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The Wilds

Wilds are groups of individuals who live outside the structured confines of society either by choice, by chance, or in rare cases, by exile. Many were born into this position while others seek freedom and independence from the influence of corrupt governments or unkind societies. Most are not inherently violent, but their struggle to survive in the untamed and harsh wilderness outside of civilization has led to moments of desperation and conflict. Their way of life is centered around self-sufficiency and resourcefulness.
  Wilds maintain deep connections to their surroundings, often viewing themselves as stewards of the land rather than conquerors. They possess extensive knowledge of the natural world and utilize it to their advantage, crafting tools and shelter while being completely self sufficient. They form tight-knit communities which rely heavily on each other for support and protection. Their bonds are built on trust and cooperation.
  Living in unprotected areas, Wilds are constantly facing challenges from natural dangers and hostile entities. They must constantly remain on guard and adapt to survive.
  Despite the hardships they endure, the Wilds embrace their unconventional lifestyle of freedom. They avoid the constraints of centralized authority and forge their own paths, living by their own rules and principles. While they may occasionally interact with other humans for resources or to trade, they prefer to maintain their distance from larger societies.