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Tyrian Union

The Tyrian Union is a diverse group of citizens and civilians living on Mars, distinct from Red Star's military operations. They are ordinary people who have established settlements across the various Martian colonies. While they are not directly involved in the war, many Tyrians are deeply frustrated and feel abandoned by Red Star who strayed from overseeing their well-being in favor of fighting the Sol Council and New Terra.
  Tyrians are pioneers who have adapted to the harsh Martian environment and developed a resilient spirit that allows them to endure the challenges of living in a distant, unforgiving world. Their communities are tight-knit as they rely on one another to overcome the unique obstacles of colony life.
  The Tyrians' frustration with Red Star stems from the faction's shift in focus towards the war, diverting resources and attention away from the protection and stability of their colonies. They feel betrayed, as the original promises of security and progress on Mars have been overshadowed by the conflict. Some Tyrians question their loyalty to Red Star, doubting the organization’s ability to safeguard their interests.
  While they may not actively engage in the larger conflicts, Tyrians harbor a deep sense of pride and identity as the colonizers of a new frontier, embracing the challenges and opportunities that come with their life on the Red Planet.
  They are part of the Free Radicals Collective.
  • Allied to: None.
  • Liked by: Red Star.
  • Disliked by: New Terra.
    • Hated by: None.





New Terra
The Tyrians are sympathetic towards the New Terra, seeing them as regular people who suffer from the ongoing war Red Star is waging. They are aware that civilians do not make the rules their leadership chooses to.
  Native Sons
The Tyrians support the Native Sons' efforts to challenge the Sol Council's rule, considering them allies in their fight against oppression.


The Tyrians are sympathetic to the harassment endured by Terrans at the hands of Dominion but remain mostly indifferent to the faction as a whole.
The Tyrians hold a neutral stance towards the Brotherhood's criminal activities, neither approving nor condemning their actions.
  The Brokers
The Tyrians are indifferent to the Brokers' operation and their profiteering activities.
The Tyrians remain indifferent to Prometheus and its actions.
  The Conflux
The Tyrians are in different to the plight of the Conflux and their goals.
The Tyrians hold no strong feelings towards Solaris and remain neutral regarding their activities.


Red Star
The Tyrians previously received protection and security from Red Star, but their shift towards focusing solely on the war has left the colonists to fend for themselves. This gaping hole in their safety and reliable access to valuable resources has betrayed their trust.
Having personally suffered at the hands of the Carnax, the Tyrians strongly dislike Reclamation’s support of the Carnax’s destructive agenda.


Sol Council
The Tyrians hold a deep-seated resentment towards the Sol Council, seeing them as responsible for allowing the exploitation of Mars. They view the Council as complacent in the mistreatment of their home and people.
  Terran Defense Corps
The Tyrians perceive the Terran Defense Corps as the might of a corrupt and exploitative government, leading to a strong disapproval of their actions and motives.