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Void Beasts

Void Beasts are creatures of pure, chaotic energy that dwell within the depths of Dark Space. Formed from the remnants of the Endless Wars' destructive powers, they are aberrations of form and essence, twisted and distorted in ways that defy conventional perception. As denizens of their abhorrent existence, they see any being from reality as prey. There are several forms of these creatures that inflict both physical and metaphysical damage.


Shades are amorphous shadows with faint glimmers of otherworldly light within their pitch black bodies. They have a single large eye in the center of their nebulous form and possess elongated tendrils that stretch and contort with an unnatural grace, allowing them to move with unsettling fluidity. Shades defy conventional physical boundaries, seamlessly transitioning between a corporeal state and an intangible, insubstantial form, making them difficult to strike. Their movement is as unpredictable as it is effortless.
  In combat, Shades can phase through solid objects allowing attacks to pass harmlessly through their incorporeal forms. In their solid state, they primarily attack with close range physical strikes. However, the glimmers of light within their darkness can coalesce into energy projectiles that cause mental trauma as well physical damage.


Resembling a large wolf-shaped entity made entirely of swirling, chaotic energy, Emberwolfs roams the depths of Dark Space with untamed ferocity. Its form is a mesmerizing display of crackling sparks as though it were a living flame contained within a predatory silhouette. Its body pulses and shifts in a constant state of flux, radiating an aura of primal chaos as vibrant, eerie shades of violet and deep blue. Emberwolfs eyes burn with specific intensity, always watching as they stalk their prey.
  Fast and highly aggressive, Emberwolfs are imbued with a certain unpredictability, making them a highly dangerous adversary. It can warp and distort their form, momentarily dissipating into a swirling vortex before materializing again elsewhere, ready to strike. Its fangs and claws can rend and tear through both physical and metaphysical barriers, and are able to channel their chaotic essence to unleash devastating beams of void energy. Emberwolf attacks cause extreme destabilization and deterioration to anything they touch.


Taking the form of a humanoid figure, Mannequins are faceless, featureless creatures. They are tall and slender with an unnaturally elongated and contorted physique. Its limbs are long and thin, bending and twisting in unsettling ways. Its movements are jerky and unpredictable, and can extend its limbs to unnerving lengths, striking with razor-sharp appendages from great distances.
  When encountered, the Mannequin moves with an uncanny grace, gliding effortlessly through the void as if it were part of the shadows themselves. It will materialize and disappear at will, leaving no trace of its presence until it chooses to reveal itself, quickly attacking and disappearing again.
  Additionally, they are able to shapeshift into nightmarish abominations or ferocious predators, striking with razor-sharp claws, fangs, or other grotesque appendages. Once they have dealt a devastating blow, they swiftly revert back to their original form, leaving their victims disoriented and vulnerable.


Shadowfiends are colossal humanoid monstrosities. Their hulking size and imposing presence make them slow but extremely powerful. They are more corporeal than other Void Beasts but still possess great spectral power. Their massive, muscular bodies are covered in an array of jagged spikes that pulsate with dark energy.
  Their protruding thorns are power conduits that give them power to manipulate energy in physical forms such as defensive shields and antimatter swords. These spikes can be destroyed to limit a Shadowfiend’s abilities. Without their weaponry, they attack with claws that are still extremely dangerous.


Behemoths are terrifying creatures that hail from the depths of Dark Space. It embodies the essence of primal darkness, taking the form of an immense two-headed dragon. Its body is composed of undulating shadows and swirling void energy. Hundreds of feet long, the Behemoth possesses a massive amount of power. Its scales are reflective black obsidian, and nearly impenetrable. Each head houses six eyes of piercing void luminescence. Its maws are lined with razor-sharp fangs capable of tearing through the most fortified armor and an ever-churning vortex of dark energy.
  The Behemoth leaves behind a trail of swirling shadows wherever it moves. Its roar is a mixture of high-pitched screams and a low, haunting wail. Its mere existence causes gravitational distortions that warp the space around it, allowing it to effectively teleport, strike, and disappear back into the darkness. It attacks with its teeth, claws, tail, wings, and can generate gamma beam strikes from its mouths.
  Behemoths are devastation incarnate and require both immense firepower and careful strategy to overcome.