Argon Cassalanter Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Argon Cassalanter

One of the "Triplets", as they are sometimes called, Argon is easily the most outgoing of the group. He has made friends with students and faculty easily and is often the one to get his more troublesome siblings out of a bind. This has led to him gaining the nickname "Gold Tongue" among those who have been witnesses to his sweet-talking skills.
  Despite those skills, Argon has little love for the spoken word. His true passions lay in the arts, particularly elemental works, as he values their permanence. Some students will tell others that Argon is the most stereotypical Prismari students they've ever meet, even though he has not yet entered any college.
  Extracurriculars: Stone-Worker's Assembly, Students of Connection
  Job: Courier

Neutral Magicat First-Year (Prismari Track) Any pronouns

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