Aurora Luna Wynterstarr Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Aurora Luna Wynterstarr

She/They Neutral Dhampir (Witherbloom)
  Before arriving at Strixhaven, Aurora changed her name and appearance to that of her on-stage persona: Aurora Luna Wynterstarr, the brilliant singer and songwriter. Aurora was born a dhampir (a partial vampire), which she’s taken as a cosmic sign that she is meant for greatness.
  An accomplished musician on several instruments, Aurora is often found at Bow’s End Tavern performing beautiful dirges on the hurdy-gurdy for the assembled patrons. Aurora is also a member of the Strixhaven Show Band Association, though she believes the music they play lacks the raw emotion of her original compositions.
  She works as a groundskeeper at the Strixhaven Stadium, where she takes great pleasure in using magic to blight undesirable vegetation on the field.
  Extracurriculars: Strixhaven Show Band Association
  Job: Stadium groundskeeper

Neutral Dhampir First Year (Witherbloom) She/Her

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