Cadoras Damellawar Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Cadoras Damellawar

He/Him Chaotic Good Elf (Quandrix)
  Cadoras is a jolly soul, and anyone who spends time with him ends up chuckling at whatever nonsense he is currently sporting. He is a passionate member of the Live-Action Roleplaying Guild and loves playing out all sorts of fantastical adventures.
  He always roleplays archers, entirely because he’s recently spent a lot of money on a prop-bow and can’t afford anything else. He is also a member of the university’s Distinguished Society of Fine Artists, where he uses magic to sculpt beautiful statuary of complex fractal patterns. The fact that he is self-taught makes the quality of his work that much more impressive.
  Cadoras does have some strange eating habits; he sometimes eats an entire jar of pickled onions in a single sitting and then drinks the vinegar.
  Extracurriculars: Distinguished Society of Fine Artists, Live-Action Roleplaying Guild, The Black Hand
  Job: None


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