Diane "Crane" Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Diane "Crane"

Bond Boon: Crane is a well-respected figure among many different sects of the campus. Known friends of her may find themselves with extra study materials, on the house drinks, and other small niceties.   Bond Bane: The smartest kids on campus (and many of the tutors) will not have anything to do with you, particularly those connected to the Combat and Historical clubs. Some refer to this as the Crane's Curse.
She/Her Neutral Good Tiefling (Silverquill)
  Enigmatic and somewhat distant, Crane is commonly seen around campus but no one seems to be friendly with her. Those closest to her are her enemies, although she does not have many of those either. Despite her cold nature, Crane is loyal to those who bond with her and is a font of knowledge on almost anything, making her an excellent study-buddy.
  Break through this monk's high walls and gain an ally across all time and space. Get on her bad side and rue the day you antagonized the school's top student.
  Extracurriculars: Order of the Fist, The Debate Club, Students of the Beyond, Dragonsguard Reserves
  Job: None (Although she does offer tutoring services)

Neutral Good Winged Tiefling (Silverquill) She/Her

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