Fauna Cassalanter Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Fauna Cassalanter

Not many Vistani stay in one place long, but they do believe in the value of education. It for this reason that Fauna and her siblings Argon and Smaug headed to Strixhaven to see what the legendary school is made of. So far, Fauna is by far the most impressed.
  For much of her life, Fauna traveled Ravenloft with her family, in search of secrets and trinkets. Through her travels, she has collected a wide assortment of odd items and potentially useful knowledge. Although she officially is the manager of Helga's, it is an open secret that Fauna runs her own business within the established store. Interestingly, instead of asking for payment in coin, she trades her wares in return for "learning something she doesn't know, or hearing a tale she never has before." After all, Fauna is at Strixhaven for knowledge and believes legends to be the most valuable of all.
  The wares Fauna carries can vary, but tend towards mildly magical items that are more strange than anything else. If a character seems too hard to please, she will produce something of personal significance to that character. Such as a letter addressed to them, or a piece of artwork they did as a child. She is secretive about how she acquired these items and will probably try to change the subject with a joke if a customer seems intent on asking.
  Extracurriculars: Order of the Blade, Debate Club
  Job: Helga's Horde assistant manager
  (Credit for this NPC goes to Reddit User u/LaserCat360, tho the character has been significantly modified from their original concept)

Chaotic Good First-Year Halfling She/Her

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