Humans are everywhere. They have a unique knack to travel, conquer, and breed their way across the entire multiverse with no end in sight. As a human myself, I can say this, it's not racist. They have independently evolved in several places as well for whatever reason. Something about us lends itself to resilience and a desire to shove ourselves pretty much anywhere.
Basic Information
Genetics and Reproduction
There are a huge number of half-breeds with humans as one of the main genetic parents. A 'pure' human is relatively rare but human genes are primarily dominant and even someone with a mixed ancestory will be functionally human after a couple generations of human influence. For example, one of my children, the child of a human and a half-orc, is indistuinguishable from children with two human parents.
Dietary Needs and Habits
Humans have no natural predators aside from other humans. We can eat pretty much species as long as it's cooked properly and can thrive in any enviroment with oxygen.
Biological Cycle
We don't live very long, but there are ways of fixing that of course. With no intervention, humans typically live around a hundred years, though our bodies start to degrade around the 40-year mark.
Scientific Name
Homo sapien sapiens
Conservation Status
They're doing just fine