Illidan Stadium Building / Landmark in Nexus | World Anvil
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Illidan Stadium

Technically belonging to Strixhaven University, all sports teams play in the Arena and many events for the town take place there.This is one of the few buildings and locations Nexus and Strixhaven share, but it goes a long way to foster peace between the two groups. Sitting side by side at a Mage Tower Game can go a long way.   The Arena is also the site of a massive fighting ring sponsored by the Tourism Bureau. Strixhaven isn't fond of this occurrence, but many of the students and teachers make easy pocket money in the ring, so it has yet to be shutdown.

Sensory & Appearance

While the Stadium usually has its hardwood floors up, they can be retracted and replaced by a circular, bright-green field is covered with small hills, and forty-foot towers rise up at either end of the field. The surrounding bleachers stretch fifty feet into the air. Five spires each fly the flag of a Strixhaven colleges, and a sixth flies a banner displaying the Strixhaven star.


Named after one of the famous Three Jumpers, Illidan Arena is a place beloved by marital fighters who sometimes feel stuck in a magical world. Throughout the past centuries, as magic weakened but grew more widespread, it became apparent that Strixhaven should open up to nonmagical students. Before the 4th century AF, only casters were admitted to the school, despite the urging of many of Strixhaven's early investors. Illidan was such a backer, hence when marital students were admitted into the new Puncher's Program, it was obvious to the founders who to name the new stadium.
Founding Date
275 AF
Alternative Names
Blood Bunny Arena
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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