Javenesh Stoutclaw Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Javenesh Stoutclaw

He/Him Neutral Good Owlin (Lorehold)
  Javenesh is an imposing and powerfully built owlin who looks permanently scruffy despite his best efforts. Contributing to his dishevelment are tufts of juvenile plumage that refuse to smooth down, a handful of scars whose origin he’s not sure of, and at least one hole in whatever clothing he’s wearing.
  Contrary to what people initially assume, Javenesh is a friendly sort. To make ends meet, he works at Bow’s End Tavern, managing servers and keeping the peace, relying on his rough appearance to dissuade those intent on making trouble. When not attending classes, Javenesh is an intimidating presence at the Intramural Silkball Club, where few people want to see him barreling toward them. He wishes more people would take the effort to get to know him, rather than be put off by his size and rough exterior.
  Extracurriculars: Intramural Silkball Club
  Job: Bow’s End Tavern assistant manager


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