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Lorehold Faculty

Augusta Tullus, Dean of Order   Augusta Tullus (lawful neutral human Lorehold professor of order) is the current Dean of Order. A professor of spirit studies, she has been called the college’s most talented pastraiser. She can conjure entire legions of ghostly apparitions to reenact historical events for her lectures.   Augusta believes that history repeats itself as an orderly progression toward an ideal. In her view, the mistakes of the past can inform the choices of the present, creating a world of peace and order. She plays things by the book and frowns on students who embark on Dean Plargg’s dangerous field trips.     Plargg, Dean of Chaos   Plargg (chaotic good orc Lorehold professor of chaos) is the current Dean of Chaos. Specializing in military history, Plargg is known for his perfect recall of historical stories, as well as his potent scroll magic. Blind himself, he invented a form of magical embossing called heat lettering, which provides a tactile way to read texts.   Plargg believes that history is full of unpredictable, war-filled chaos and that his students must be ready for anything. He teaches that no rewards come without risk, and his excursions typically end with students heading to the infirmary. He pays little attention to Dean Tullus’s work, usually dismissing her attempts to find order in chaos as foolhardy.     Riri Brighteye   Hardly ever seen without her Bottle of Boundless Coffee in one hand, Lorehold professor of order Riri Brighteye is a female owlin who can be found at all hours. Some students speculate that she never sleeps, and her eyes twitch frequently as if to confirm that rumor. Professor Brighteye is perpetually energetic, despite spending much of her time pouring over ancient tomes.   She can go days or weeks with the same volume in her search to find important details others may have missed. She balances the conflicting sides of being a Chaos Scholar who pursues the tiniest details with her Archaeoscribe side in order to record those details for others to find more easily. One of the only times where Riri isn't found in her office or at the Firejolt Cafe is during Mage Tower games where her caffeine-fueled lifestyle allows her to cheer at the same level as the most enthusiastic students.     Lianna Flametongue   Lianna is an older female high elf and a semi-retired member of the Dragonsguard (see stat block in Volume 3). As an official Dragonsguard member, she's accepted a teaching position at the school to both impart her knowledge and to scope out potential recruit-able talent. Lianna's knowledge of the Founder Dragons is vast, and she only lets her guard down when discussing the Founders or the Dragonsguard Otherwise, she is typically stiff and formal, a byproduct of her military experience. She teaches two classes on the Founders and one class on Warsinging, a field in which she is considered an expert.   Rumor has it that Lianna attended Strixhaven many, many years ago and attended Lorehold college. She was more happy-go-lucky and spontaneous in her youth. Unfortunately, a careless expedition into a newly discovered ruin led to the death of her best friend. Velomachtus Lorehold himself helped Lianna find a new path with the Dragonsguard. Because of her past, Lianna is drawn to chaotic, reckless, and headstrong students out of an almost motherly and protective instinct. Consequently, she can come across as overbearing or nosy in her concern for them.     Tervis Sharpwing   Tervis, a male owlin, is a powerful battle medium who primarily uses twin spirit swords as he carves up his foes. He's one of the weakest members of the Lorehold staff in terms of arcane ability, he's barely able to use more than a few spells. But he makes up for his lack of magical acumen with his martial prowess and his experience in dealing with spirits. In addition to his twin blades, Tervis can summon and enhance the spirits of warriors of the past to fight with him. As such, he has learned a great deal about historical weapons and fighting styles. He frequently trains in different weapon techniques in a small courtyard in Pillardrop and is happy to spar or teach any student who primarily focuses on using weapons instead of magic, even if that teaching occurs outside of class.     Marrick Deepfinder    Marrick is a dashingly handsome male halfling and Lorehold professor of chaos. He's well known for his impressive archeological finds and his willingness to dive headfirst into fresh ruins. He's forever looking to test his luck against trapped doors, chests, halls, etc. And as he tells anyone who will listen, it's always his lucky day. He tends to come out on top, both in his expeditions and his business dealings.   Marrick and the other Lorehold staff agree that artifacts should be owned and maintained by the community at large. That said, Marrick personally believes that dangerous artifacts, especially ones that might hurt students or staff, should be moved into more private collections...for the right price. Marrick might readily accompany students who wish to go ruin-diving for artifacts, but he gets selfish about splitting up the finds. His selfishness only extends to profit though as he readily puts himself into danger to help students out of tough situations.     Xyla Langning   Xyla is a relatively young, female gnome. She's a prominent dust-speaker and one of the newest Lorehold professors of order. At a young age, Xyla grew frustrated over people always misspelling or mispronouncing her name. To combat this, she took it upon herself to learn as many languages as she possibly could. That way, at least she knew she would never make the same mistake. Despite her young age, Xyla is fluent in nearly twice the number of languages as the next most linguistically focused faculty member at Strixhaven. Xyla particularly enjoys researching new and obscure languages and can become overly excited when she meets a student who knows an uncommon or rare language. Like many gnomes, Xyla has an abundant love of life but much of her time is spent listening to ancient spirits bound to statues on Effigy Row. Xyla teaches several courses on language and composition of magical tomes, grimoires, and scrolls.     Hofri Ghostforge   When Hofri (neutral good dwarf Lorehold professor of order) first enrolled in Strixhaven, he believed his future lay with Prismari. A diligent student, he quickly mastered the technical skills of art, but his magic left something to be desired. After talking with the school’s counselor, Mavinda, Hofri decided to try his luck with Lorehold. It turned out he had a natural talent for Lorehold’s spirit magic.   His time at Prismari was hardly wasted, however. Combining his artistic skill with his keen spiritual sense, Hofri could visualize a spirit’s mortal appearance and construct a viable statue form for them to inhabit. No one in Lorehold’s history had previously created a spirit statue from scratch, and Hofri was offered a professorial position after graduation, which he happily accepted.     Osgir, the Reconstructor   Even by Lorehold standards, Osgir (neutral stone giant) is obsessed with relics of the past. A professor of order, he treasures every connection to old civilizations, whether it’s a magnificent jeweled crown or an old shovel. As a student, he constantly spent time in detention for hoarding the best finds from Lorehold dig sites in his room; he lost count of how many times he was sternly told, “History belongs to us all!”   So, naturally, he mastered the magical art of duplicative restoration. Not only can he perfectly recreate an ancient object or device from the smallest scrap, but he can also produce a second, identical version for his personal collection. He displays something different every week in his Lorehold office, from a mighty sword of demon-slaying to a delicate elven music box.     Losheel, Clockwork Scholar   Losheel (chaotic good loxodon Lorehold professor of chaos) is a Humanoid resembling a bipedal elephant. She proudly admits that she is willing to work hard to be as lazy as possible. She turns her brilliant mind to constructing increasingly efficient mechanical helpers, with the goal of one day being able to do anything she wants without standing up.


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