Mina Lee Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Mina Lee

Older Lawful Good Human (Silverquill) She/Her
  Mina’s greatest love is the use of language; she adores how subtle differences in intonation and vocabulary can shape one’s perception of reality. Her fascination with language extends to spells and verbal components. After graduation, she plans to conduct research on the variance of language in spells and how one might tweak verbal components that the greater magical community considers immutable.
  Mina’s love of language and nuance has led her to join the Strixhaven Star as an investigative journalist. Here, she reveals truth, corrects misconceptions, and combats injustice. She has also taken a job as a server at Firejolt Café, which not only provides some cash but also puts her in a position to overhear snippets of conversation that might provide leads for her journalistic investigations.
  Extracurriculars: Strixhaven Star, Poetry Society
  Job: Firejolt Café server


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