Nora Ann Wu Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Nora Ann Wu

She/Her Older Neutral Good Human (Prismari)
  Rarely without a smile on her face, Nora is a kind person who is generous with her time and attention. This has led her to gain employment within the university’s dormitories, where she acts as a resident assistant. Nora offers confidential support to any student and is especially passionate about counseling other transgender students. She thoughtfully handles concerns ranging from students’ homesickness to matters that require her to act as an advocate for another student.
  Nora is a passionate member of the Distinguished Society of Fine Artists. As such, she spends hours on the potter’s wheel throwing clay. Despite her enthusiasm, her technical skill is lacking. Her tutors, in attempts to be encouraging, often describe Nora’s work as rustic or naive. Undeterred, Nora continues to produce terrible mug after terrible mug, which she gives as gifts to her friends.
  Extracurriculars: Distinguished Society of Fine Artists
  Job: Dormitories resident assistant

Neutral Good Human Second Year (Lorehold) She/Her

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