Pricaka Softfist Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Pricaka Softfist

Half-orc born with an unfortunate naturally-aggressive expression, Pricaka is one of the sweetest yet most anxious students on campus. As a Lorehold student, she has an affinity for history that has gained her a reputation as "nerdy" amongst most of her peers, even those who also love the subject.
  As the daughter of Dean Plarrg, some assume that Pry's good grades are the result of nepotism, but any who know her know that she's a hard worker, perhaps to a fault. One of these days, she should get out and have some fun. But that day seems to get further off constantly.
  Extracurriculars: Ancient Artifact Enthusiasts, Research Consortium
  Job: Theorem Computer


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