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Quandrix Faculty

Kianne, Dean of Substance
  Brilliant and eccentric, Dean Kianne (neutral elf Quandrix professor of substance) is one of the preeminent mana scholars of the world. She has visited and studied countless bizarre magical phenomena, from snarls to star arches to ancient shrines. She loves to share her wild theories with anyone who will listen.
  Kianne believes in using mathematics to better understand nature. She places an emphasis on practical magic that improves daily life through applied calculations. She rolls her eyes at Dean Imbraham’s theories, dismissing them as evidence that her fellow dean lives in an imaginary world.
  Imbraham, Dean of Theory
  Dean Imbraham (neutral owlin Quandrix professor of theory) is stern and shrewd, with a mind as piercing as his curved beak. He is known for the unnerving habit of fully rotating his head around to address his students, while still rapidly chalking up complex theorems and equations on a chalkboard. Imbraham loves numbers more than people or the out-of-doors; some say he hasn’t gone outside certain chambers of the Quandrix campus in years.
  Imbraham wants nothing more than to crack the mysteries of the world through dauntingly complex theories. He offers his students standing bounties on any of his unsolved equations.
  Bildra Forheim Even before attending Strixhaven as a Quandrix student, Bildra was obsessed with numbers. As the daughter of a master dwarf craftsman, Bildra grew up being told by her father to "measure twice, cut once." As a young lass she would wind her way through her father's workshop, measuring and sizing up anything and everything. In time, this evolved past measuring things in the workshop. She started measuring the workshop itself and the surrounding buildings. Architecture became Bildra's first love and remains so even during her time at Strixhaven.
  Bildra's work is focused on the arcano-physics surrounding building and crafting. As a Quandrix professor, her current work lies in a more theoretical realm. She enjoys studying both the interior and exterior of the Arithmodrome as she attempts to replicate it on a more practical scale. Bildra still measures things, which tends to earn a laugh at her expense from her colleagues on the theoretical side of the Quandrix faculty, but Bildra gets the last laugh with her perfectly executed theorems.
  Renald Rothton
  Renald was born to an influential and magically gifted human noble family. Throughout his formative years he was raised to carry on the family's legacy. That plan had a few issues when it was discovered Renald could barely use magic at all. As a result of this discovery, Renald's mother hired a wizard to tutor Renald in magic, dismissing rumors about the man's past and his often cruel teaching methods. Renald's life was tragically lost during a lesson gone awry.
  And then he came back. Only a few hours later, long after his heart stopped pumping blood through his body Renald awoke. As he sat up and looked around he started seeing equations, diagrams, and other such information about whatever he was looking at. Fearing the work of a dark presence, the tutor attempted to kill the young boy with magic Renald now found weak and meaningless. The young boy who could hardly cast a spell instinctively changed the laws of the natural world, crushing the bones of the tutor in a powerful gravity well. Upon learning what had happened Renald's parents wrote to Strixhaven and begged for early admission to be granted to their son, which Strixhaven approved
  Now nearing his 19th birthday, Renald is one of the youngest individuals to ever be granted a professorship at Strixhaven. While some are off put by his pale skin and empty stare that never quite meets your gaze (as he glances at the equations and diagrams only he can see) none can refuse his brilliance with reality-bending abstraction magic.
  Jazack Quickfoot
  Jazack, an older male harengon, will be the first to admit he's only really an expert in one thing: running away. That said, he can tell you all kinds of ways to do so. As a tried-and-true coward, Jazack has mastered numerous methods of saving his own skin. As luck would have it, some of those happen to be magical. Using these techniques, he ran from dangerous situation to dangerous situation until he somehow ended up at Strixhaven. Once there, he quite literally ran right into Dean Kianne. Seeing his skills, the dean promptly offered him a job. Indeed, due to his mastery, he is now recognized as the leading expert on teleportation spells.
  Unfortunately, he is a complete mess when it comes to any other forms of magic. This fact doesn't concern him, but it either amuses or annoys the other Quandrix staff members. As he's still quite jumpy, some students and staff) enjoy trying to frighten him into teleporting away, especially Rixy. She enjoys sending illusionary monsters after the elderly harengon. She has been known to laugh until tears fill her eyes as he either takes off running or uses a quick dimension door or teleport spell to get to safety.
  Clem Greenthumb
  As a relatively small individual, even among fairies, Clem has always been concerned with their size. Standing at just one and a half feet tall, with lilac wings that resemble flower petals, Clem was often bullied. Frustrated and hurt, Clem left the Feywilds at a young age and wandered from town to town until she received an invitation from Strixhaven. Since then, she has worked as a professor of substance.
  Infused with the same magic as other fairies, Clem has always been able to make herself slightly larger. But by studying Quandrix magic, she learned to use a special selfmade theorem. This allows her to cast the Enlarge spell on herself multiple times without maintaining concentration on each individual spell. With this at her disposal, Clem can stack applications and grow to an enormous size.
  Clem has a zero-tolerance policy for bullies. If she encounters one, they've been known to use her ability to make instigators feel as small as their intended victims. Clem has a soft spot for the underdog and often uses magic to help small critters and plants grow into larger versions of themselves.
  As a dedicated prankster it is unclear if Rixy, a female changeling and Quandrix professor of theory, enjoys teaching class more for the curriculum or for the many chances to prank her students. Rixy's pranks are legendary on campus and she tends to prank students in her introductory classes by changing her form to be that of a new student. Students in her advanced classes aren't safe either as she's able to perform more elaborate pranks on them. No student has ever seen Rixy's true form and she often shows up to class looking like an entirely new person each day (although typically, but not always, female in appearance).
  Thanks to her innate gifts Rixy is a master illusionist. She uses those skills as a blooming fractologist and advanced sequence prophet. She is additionally quite skilled at using the Arcane Eye spell, which she learned as a matter of necessity in order to remotely view some of her more complex pranks.
  Adrix and Nev, Twin-casters
  The twins Adrix (neutral good triton Quandrix professor of substance) and Nev (neutral good triton Quandrix professor of theory) grew up literally swimming in magic, in an ocean region near a powerful magical snarl. At an early age, they began to see patterns in the tides and currents that eluded even the most esteemed scholars of their society. Once, they saved a hundred lives by predicting the sudden arrival of a tsunami, despite the deceptively calm seas—washing away any doubts in their prowess.
  Adrix and Nev now teach as a duo, blending mastery of both of Quandrix’s philosophical perspectives. They constantly debate the merits of various esoteric mathematical principles, but if one of their students is in danger, they leap into action in perfect harmony.
  Deekah, Fractal Theorist
  Deekah (lawful neutral human Quandrix professor of theory) sees the world as an endless sequence of interconnected equations, which to her is the most beautiful thing imaginable. She explores new theorems by giving them physical form, and her exquisite geometric creations are thrilling sights on campus.
  Ruxa, Patient Professor
  Ruxa (neutral good Quandrix professor of substance) looks like a bipedal brown bear and knows that wild new theories, though exciting, are worthless without a deep understanding of the basics. He teaches students of all levels, and even his most experienced pupils benefit from a much deeper understanding of the fundamental building blocks of the world.


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