Quentillius Antiphiun Melentor III Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Quentillius Antiphiun Melentor III

He/Him Neutral Human (Prismari)
  Quentillius approaches all his endeavors with the utmost seriousness. He believes one should either do something correctly or not at all. Quentillius is a member of the university’s Playactors Drama Guild, where his dedication to what he calls “the craft” is absolute. He looks down on other actors who are slow to memorize lines or who miss cues. Backstage crew members fare better, as Quentillius regards them as crucial and often brings them and the director flowers or notes of thanks.
  While Quentillius is a powerful presence on stage—especially in romantic roles—critics have called his performances histrionic. To better perform his future roles in ancient plays, Quentillius has joined the Dead Languages Society. He plans to perform his roles in the plays’ original languages, regardless of whether the rest of the production is translated.
  Extracurriculars: Dead Languages Society, Play­actors Drama Guild, Future Entrepnuers, Debate Club
  Job: None


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