Roe "Crow" Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Roe "Crow"

She/They Chaotic Evil Aasmir (Witherbloom)
  Supposedly the daughter of a famous planeswalker and a lich, Crow seeks adventure and mischief in the least opportune places. Through the chaos, she has an addicting lust for life that contrasts with her prowess in necromancy.
  One of her most defining characteristics is her strange smattering of enemies, none of which make much sense. Crow's most irrational dislike and rivalry is with the Silverquill student Crane, who she mocks at any opportunity. This makes being friends with them both virtually impossible. Still, a daring student may look to uncover the roots of this rivalry and have the best of both worlds.
  Extracurriculars: Order of the Blade, The Black Hand, Alchemist Society, Debate Club
  Job: None

Chaotic Evil Aasmir Third Year (Witherbloom) She/They

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