Rosimyffenbip “Rosie” Wuzfeddlims Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Rosimyffenbip “Rosie” Wuzfeddlims

She/Her Chaotic Good Gnome (Lorehold)
  Excitable and impish, Rosimyffenbip is proud of her name; she insists you can call her “Rosie” only if you are her friend. Or a teacher. Or a student. Or any other member of the university staff. Rosie speaks quickly and with so much energy that it often takes a moment to recover from a conversation with her. She moves far faster than one would expect; it’s unclear whether this is due to magic, a gnomish technological contraption, or just the laws of physics bending to Rosie’s force of personality.
  Rosie referees silkball and takes fair play very seriously. Woe betide any participant who feels the wrath of her whistle. Rosie is also an enthusiastic participant in Strixhaven’s Live-Action Roleplaying Guild. She insists on roleplaying only “monsters” and delights in chasing down participants to “eat” them. Many a participant has heard giggling approaching them at high speed before their character’s death.
  Extracurriculars: Live-Action Roleplaying Guild
  Job: Intramural Fields referee


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