Rubina Larkingdale Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Rubina Larkingdale

She/Her Lawful Neutral Human (Silverquill)
  When Rubina walks into a room, people take notice. A measured performer with gravitas beyond her years, Rubina is a valued member of the Playactors Drama Guild who can handle weightier roles that more melodramatic actors can’t. This has caused friction within the guild as members vie for parts. Rubina’s stage presence extends to delivering presentations in class. When she orates, one can almost imagine a hardened general marshaling her bloodied and exhausted troops for a final push against a far superior foe.
  Rubina is part of the Strixhaven Show Band Association and has moved from playing to conducting. No previous student conductor has demanded and received such unwavering respect as Rubina. With merely a look and a raised eyebrow, she can quiet even the most raucous orchestra sections.
  Extracurriculars: Playactors Drama Guild, Strixhaven Show Band Association
  Job: None


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