Shuvadri Glintmantle Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Shuvadri Glintmantle

She/They Lawful Good Owlin (Silverquill)
  Her peers are often surprised when they learn Shuvadri is interested in joining Silverquill College, since its members sometimes earn a reputation as abrasive. Shuvadri, on the other hand, exhibits an air of absolute serenity. Anything that might frustrate or delight another student, whether it’s a poor test score or success at a competition, elicits little outward response from Shuvadri. A deep thinker, Shuvadri is rarely surprised by such an outcome, and she enjoys being a centering presence for her peers.
  Also a member of the Student-Mages of Faith, Shuvadri is happy to talk about her appreciation of deities who are devoted to service and community. Many of her peers think she is destined to hold high rank in a temple.
  Shuvadri works on the campus grounds to erase graffiti, wearing a content smile on her face.
  Extracurriculars: Student-Mages of Faith, Research Consortium
  Job: Campus Grounds graffiti eraser


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