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Silverquill Professors

Shaile Talonrook, Dean of Radiance   Dean Shaile Talonrook (lawful good owlin Silverquill professor of radiance) is a perennially optimistic orator. A master of literature, she often quotes obscure passages from famous texts. Her soul-filling advice and educated references have been known to make people literally glow.   Shaile believes that all people have the potential for good and wishes to teach her students how to make the world a better place. She and Dean Lu often clash over Silverquill’s curriculum, but the balance found between them is far more eloquent than even their words can describe.     Embrose Lu, Dean of Shadow   Dean Embrose Lu (lawful neutral human Silverquill professor of shadow) is a master poet whose ink magic is merciless. Scant with praise and quick with a cutting remark, Dean Lu has seen many mage-students scrub out of Strixhaven and has nothing good to say about those who can’t hack it.   A cynic, Embrose believes that most people are in it for themselves. He demands his students learn how to use language-based magic to “get what they deserve.” While he often argues with Dean Talonrook, he holds a deep (if begrudging) respect for the owlin.     Helioz Sunmane   Inspiration for this professor comes from the Leonin Lightscribe MTG card. Helioz is a male Leonin, master Luminancer, and a Silverquill professor of radiance. During his own time at Strixhaven Helioz was drawn to Silverquill but nearly failed out of the introductory inkomancy course. His classmates, being fellow Silverquill, relentlessly made fun of him with scathing remarks and blistering rumors.   But one of the luminancy professors at the time helped Helioz find the words to speak about his experiences, and as he did brilliant light magic flooded forth from within him, turning his brownish hair into a slightly glowing golden color. Helioz went on to become one of the best Luminancy students Strixhaven had ever seen. When his old mentor decided to retire a few years after his graduation she reached out to Helioz to personally offer him the job, which he graciously accepted. To this day Helioz tries his best to emulate that professor, serving as a source of hope and inspiration for students struggling with the cut-throat and competitive Silverquill coursework.     Sace Solindiel   Sace's natural beauty frequently turns heads as people stop and stare, a quality that makes her powerful enchantment magic all the more effective. As a half-elf, Sace has a certain commanding presence that has always drawn people towards her and made them willing to do as she says. It wasn't until her family met a Strixhaven professor on sabbatical that they found out she was unconsciously using an almost subliminal level of enchantment magic to enhance these effects. Learning that she had been unconsciously forcing people to please her against their wills horrified Sace and she began to question her reality. Would her parents have been so loving and doting without this magic? Would her friends have been her friends? Sensing both her talent and turmoil, the professor offered early admittance to Strixhaven to learn to control these powers, which Sace happily accepted.   In Elvish the name Solindiel means "Sweet-breeze", a name most think makes sense when they think of the caring and thoughtful professor. However, those with an advanced understanding of rare and magical plants know of an exceedingly rare plant called the Sweet-breeze that lures unsuspecting creatures into a deep sleep with magical spores and then uses sharp, bloodsucking roots to entangle and drain the helpless victim. For these individuals, the name still makes sense given Sace's expertise with Enchantment magic. Luckily, Sace teaches students about ethics and control in using this potent magic and guides students towards using their abilities for peacekeeping and mediation purposes.     Liv and Luc Brandford   Like most siblings, humans Liv and Luc Brandford grew up fighting. However, each had their own method to fighting, one that they've managed to hone throughout the years thanks to having the ultimate partner with whom to practice. Each is a respectable Silverquill professor of shadow, but with a different focus.   Liv's method is all about a strong offense. She teaches students how to be proactive and aggressive, attempting to end fights before the opponent even knows they're being attacked. Her methods might be considered underhanded for official duels but all that matters to Liv is getting in the last word and showing her superiority.   As the younger sibling, Luc tells students he was born on the back foot. In addition to stressing the importance of the basic Shield and Mage Armor spells Luc teaches students the importance of not losing control of themselves during a battle and how to outlast an opponent's onslaught until they tire themselves out, one of his favorite techniques from his youth. Luc's talent with defensive magic is so strong that he also teaches a class that focuses less on dueling techniques and more on protecting groups for those who might be venturing into Pillardrop, the Detention Bog, or other potentially dangerous areas.     SMART MOUTH   As a Kenku, Smart Mouth isn't what most people think of when they think of a master of word magic. Victim to the same ancient curse that afflicts all of his people, Smart Mouth can only duplicate sounds he's heard before. However, with a genius level intellect and a perfect memory Smart Mouth is able to draw upon and duplicate every single word, phrase, and sound he's ever heard before. This tended to land him in trouble at a young age when other individuals would try to pick on him only to discover he was always ready with a perfect and witty comeback. On one particular day he was told he should watch his smart mouth before it landed him in real trouble and thus he adopted the name Smart Mouth.   This Silverquill professor of radiance knows more than anyone that words can be magical and that choosing exactly the right word can enhance both meaning and magic exponentially. He teaches students about various words of power and about the importance of syntax and word choice in verbal spells. Most of his exams are oral and he has students read their homework aloud in class in order to both critique their word choices and to build his repository of sounds and phrases.     Breena, the Demagogue   Breena (neutral good owlin Silverquill professor of shadow) has a talent for getting her way. If she wants you to do something, you won’t just do it—you’ll be sure it was your idea all along. Her students and colleagues alike hang on her every word, and in front of a crowd, she’s a powerhouse of charisma, enhancing her speeches with elegant swirls of ink magic. Though she’s an elite mage who can easily hold her own in a fight, Breena prefers to defeat her foes with words alone.   Using debilitating observations and words laced with Banter-magic, she is able to bring her opponents to their knees with her words alone. Many bards respect and train under her, hoping to one day master such an ability.     Brenneth Blackstone, Scriptology Star   Brenneth Blackstone (lawful evil tiefling Silver­quill professor of shadow) is well-versed in the study of magical writing and symbols. With a dynamic lecturing style, he attracts students from across Strixhaven purely for his lessons’ value as performance art. Since he course is required in Second Year, many students are appreciative that his class is so interesting. Outside of the classroom, few students seek him out, seeing his magic style as semi-demonic. As a duskmage, Brenneth more than any of his peers, earns the "shadow" title in his name.     Fain, the Broker   Lost an important textbook? Craving some rare delicacy from home? Need something inconveniently forbidden? Enter Fain (neutral human Silverquill professor of radiance). He has an extensive network of connections on and off campus, and he can procure just about anything—so long as you can afford his price. Despite his shady reputation, Fain teaches a number of general classes and takes almost all Second Year Silverquill students under his wing at some point or another, offering discounts and even tutorials when needed.


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