Smaug Cassalanter Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Smaug Cassalanter

Many people fall into the trap of believing that Smaug is the empty-headed one among his siblings. Argon's way with words and Fauna's love of stories tend to overshadow their brother, a character known mostly for his athletic abilities. However, Smaug is far from a simple-minded jock like many assume.   He's a deeply mysterious character, just like his siblings, and many of his actions seem unprompted or random. Some think that Smaug's motives and actions are as much a mystery to him as everyone else. Yet, others believe that Smaug has plans, known only to him, and is waiting for everything to fall into place before he sets those plans in motion. Which ever it is, it can hard to place trust in such a sporadic character. Or perhaps it is easy, as you can always trust them to be random.     Extras: Alchemist Society, Stone-Worker's Assembly, Runners' League, Silkball Team   Job: Stadium groundskeeper

Neutral First Year Dragonborn (green) He/Him

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