Tilana Kapule Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Tilana Kapule

She/Her Neutral Good Human (Quandrix)
  Tilana’s poised demeanor and steady gaze are remarkable. An excellent judge of character, she doesn’t associate with those she deems mean-spirited. Her exacting judgment has led her to join the Dragonchess Club, and while she is still honing her skill at the game itself, she compensates by reading her opponent instead of the board. Many a foe has struggled to sit in silence as she gives them her full attention, probing for weaknesses, the pieces seemingly incidental.
  Surprising to some, Tilana has also joined the Intramural Silkball Club. During matches, she focuses on trying to understand and preempt the opposing sides’ strategies. More than once she has suggested new plays mid-game that have caught the opposing team off guard. The faculty at Strixhaven are convinced that, if she wished, one day Tilana would make an excellent professor.
  Extracurriculars: Dragonchess Club, Intramural Silkball Club
  Job: None


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