Zanther Bowen Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Zanther Bowen

He/Him Chaotic Good Fire Genasi (Prismari)     One of the most popular students on campus, Zanther is a member of the Mage Tower Cheer Squad, and his exceptional athleticism has earned him the position as the squad’s primary flyer. As such, Zanther is launched into the air in elaborate cheering routines, much to the crowd’s delight.   Zanther has also joined the League of Runners Club. Here he completes at track meets of every kind and learns to utilize these skills in his cheering. To further test himself and impress the audience, Zanther conducts his routines to a vast array of different musical styles and arrangements. When traveling around campus between classes, he shouts random affirmations of school spirit to everyone at large. Despite his peppy nature, Zanther is genuinely encouraging and in no way acts superior. If anything, he seems somewhat oblivious to his own popularity at Strixhaven.     Extracurriculars: League of Runners, Mage Tower Cheer Squad   Job: None


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