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Mote Pixies

Once upon a time...

When Nature was young and the soil was not covered with grasses as it is now, the dust and pollen played with the creatures just emerging. It laughed when a lizard sneezed, and made the birds blink when granules flew into their eyes.

Eventually, the dust and pollen became more solid, and that was the first Mote Pixie. Even today, such beings try to distract us, embarass us, annoy us.

Mote Pixies are a sub-species of Pixies, known for being hard to find, easy to catch, and annoyingly goofy. They are also good for making Mote Poppers... some would say that's all they are good for.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Mote pixies are the smallest of the pixies. They are generally measured in millimeters, and are often shades of white, gray or brown in overall coloration. Additionally, most Mote pixies are transparent or semi-transparent. They often have wings that look like dandelion fluff or lint. The larger ones have round, transparent wings like bees.

Additional Information

Social Structure

When it comes to pixies, size does matter. Pixies follow the biggest pixie, and only form groups of specific types of pixies out of a kind of laziness. Why find other friends when friends just like you eat the same and like the same kinds of things?

Average Intelligence

Mote Pixies are a strange blend of intelligence, by mortal standards. Though they have language, clothing, and an understanding of traditions and rituals, these pixies continue the trend of all pixies of being unteachable to the point of ridiculousness.

You can teach a pixie to fetch things, but they barely comprehend any number greater than one (1), and they get distracted within seconds of being set a task. They seem to understand the concept of obligation but they almost never seem to understand that obligations aren't always flexible in terms of when and how. While having little to no ambition or goals, pixies frequently are thought to be narcisistic due to forgetting that others even exist.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

  • Dust
  • Pollen
  • Lint
  • Powder
  • Ash
  • Dandruff
  • Dander
  • Fuzz
  • Fluff
  • Grit
  • Loess
  • Smog
  • Fume
  • Mite
  • Crumb
  • Mold
  • Sliver
  • Speck
  • Smidge
  • Speck
  • Jot
  • Iota
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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