BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

The Opening of the Abyssal Canyon

Write about an apocalyptic event that shaped your world.   Kyra was an elven woman with wild flowing purple hair and is often depicted alongside her displacer beast, a giant black panther with two tentacle like limbs sticking out. She had been reeking havoc across Turamid and threatened to progress further into _ Kingdom territory (loosely correlates to present day Asten). The Three, a wildly popular adventuring group comprised of Lai Romando, Bonsora Silverbeard, and Axhyll Farlander, decided to step in.
The wind whipped past the Three, they watched as her purple hair flared out as she started ascending. "Kyra! Please just...listen to me" They heard the sound of Jinx's voice attempt to cut through the air to reach her. But Kyra seemed to not hear them as black tendrils errupted from her body and pumulled into the ground as she was whispering something none of them could hear.
Axhyll jumped into action, casting spells through his words as he insulted Kyra whose face twitched at his words almost as if she was geniunely hurt by them. Lai, realizing his greatsword would be effectively useless, pulled out his javelins and began hurling them towards her. Most bounced off her black cloak that glistened in the midday sun. Jinx had a seperate issue as they stared down the displacer beast that stood between them and Kyra, attempting to call out to her. Bonsora had a different idea as she rushed towards the tendrils, bringing her morning star down hard on it. The tendrils hissed and sizzled from where she struck and Kyra sunk down a few feet; but several more came barrelling down on Bonsora, forcing her to tank several heavy blows that left her spitting out blood. The fight continued on; The black panther struck Jinx, ripping open their skin andtheir blood matched their hair. The hair that they had cut off, the hair that once respected and honored the people they've killed and now resembles nothing.
"Kyra, what happened to us? We used to stand for something...and now I don't know who you are anymore." But her murming just got louder and sounded more like a chant.
Meanwhile Lai was running out of javelins and as he held his last one he murmered a quiet prayer as it started glowing. The bright yellow javelin was hurled towards the black and purple mess he could barely distinguish as Kyra. As his javelin made contact he saw the darkness soften and grow smaller. Bonsora continued hammering away at the tendrils attempting to rip the ground open, her strikes hastened by Axhyll's music that carried throughout the whole group. Jinx's raiper almost felt guided by it as they stabbed the creature's eye. And they watched as Kyra summoned the panther back to her, dissolving it into shadows, bolstering her own strength.
And then realization hit Lai's face "She's summoning him." He stated, attempting to keep the fear out of his voice.
Axhyll froze his eyes widened "No. No she wouldn't" His voice betraying him too. The gap beneath them widened, pushing Axhyll and Lai to one side and Bonsora to the other. They watched as Jinx was suspended in the middle, Kyra kept her floating above it, right by her side. 
Her voice pierced through the wind and she did not have to yell to be heard. "Jinx look at them. The are far below us." Jinx noticed Kyra's voice sounded double as if Dolor himself was speaking through her. "What we want, it's right here Jinx. We just need to take it." 
Jinx looked away from the Three and towards their home, a little place where the desert and the jungle met where Jinx had found her sitting in the ruins humming a beautiful melody. That Kyra, they tried to tell themself, that Kyra is the one speaking to me now. So they looked at her eyes and nodded. 
"Jinx no..." Axhyll whispered, geniune sadness filled his voice. Kyra turned back towards the Three and sent three more lashes, one made contact with Bonsora it was a strike her armor could not save her from and she felt her heart begin to slow as she dropped to one knee. Lai however did not flinch at Jinx's decision and instead hopped onto the black shadows, suprisingly it was solid enough for him to stand on. With the encouragement from Axhyll he was able to run upwards towards Kyra and over the deepening Abyss. he stared towards it and remembered the old prophecy that had been recited to themall those years ago:
"It will come in lands of wealth, lands of magic, and lands of war. It will take everything and everyone and leave nothing but an empty black void. The Nothing will swallow any last hope, fear, and dream you have had and will ever have. This is what they call the Abyss." 

And still Lai Romando ran towards Kyra, unsheathing his greatsword. Until he saw a thin silver blade protrude from her chest. The tendrils began to dissolve and the platform beneath Jinx and Kyra vanish. He watched as Jinx pulled the gemstone from her pocket and throw it upwards to which Lai caught it. He saw them fall and Jinx wrapped their arms around her, grasping her tight. 
"Axhyll a little help!" He shouted towards his gnome companion who was already casting a spell. A large bird looking creature materialized beneath Lai and carried him towards the other edge. His fingers gripped on the purple gemstone that now faded back into its original black color. "I have him. He spoke to his companions quietly, his voice lacking pride in what they had accomplished. The real villian may be in their hands but their two friends were in his. 
"Are they..." Axhyll's voice trailed off, unable to complete his sentence as tears began to form in his eyes. Lai had to remind himself that Axhyll was basically a child. He hated that he saw all the things he did. Bonsora sat up from the ground, coughing, covered in blood and sand. She looked around for Kyra or Jinx before she realized. Her dwarven features hardened but she refused to let herself cry. Bonsora tried to not let herself think of how her brother would take the news. 
Admidst the fight Kyra pried open Nicetas, reaching down into the depths of the Abyss, freeing Dolor into the material plane. The Three were able to kill Kyra, with the help of her companion, Jinx who plunged their sword into her back. They were only able to trap Dolor however, lacking the required strength to kill an Archdemon. Now, demons have been leaking out of the Abyssal Canyon into the world as the barier between the planes grows weaker and weaker.


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