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Melissa Hyatte

Dekani's Most Famous Author

Early Years

Melissa Hyatte was born in 1905 in Glory Falls, Dekani to Zelina and Gordon Hyatte. She spent much of her childhood antagonizing her older brother Aaron and playing in the falls with her friend Kelsey Makarova. Melissa was known for her wild imagination and her penchant for telling stories.

The Rift of 1920

In 1920, while traveling through Nefrale, Hyatte jouned Piper Penn, Corey Light, and Simon Farrow on a trip to Prisonkeep to destroy the rift that was causing magical gifts to vanish and some to lose their humanity. While her companions have explained their reasons for being at The Courageous Crab on the night of their meeting, it remains unclear why Hyatte was traveling so far away from home by herself at such a young age. All four have remained tight-lipped about exactly how they managed to close the rift, stating merely that they did so through the force of combined magics. While many remain unsatisfied with this explanation, seeing as neither Hyatte nor Farrow are known to have magical talents, Hyatte has avoided any further questions on the matter, agreeing only to interviews related to her current work.


As an adult, Hyatte pursued a degree in teaching, but during her study, published her first novel, Never Let Me Go, based on Yalli folklore. The book became so popular, that though Hyatte completed her degree program, she never went into teaching, instead pursuing a career as an author. She has since published over 30 books, two of which have been adapted into films starring actress Molly Taylor. Hyatte has also partnered with director Euon Wright on an original film, Someplace in Between.

Personal Life

Hyatte has remained close to her three companions since the closing of the rift, including public suport of Farrow Industries and Penn's Imagination Game. She has also become close friends with actress Molly Taylor since working with her on the film adaptation of Enter the Night. Whenever their work schedules align, Hyatte and Taylor are seen catching up at favorite restaurants and parks. Taylor is also the godmother of Hyatte's adopted daughter, Chloe.
Though Hyatte never married, there has been much speculation about her romantic life. Popular theories have suggested that she has had liasons with both Light and Farrow, though these died down after Farrow himself married. Hyatte is sometimes spotted with other romantic partners, but most of time she is seen publically outside of the professional sphere, she is spending time with her daughter and Taylor. Though she did brief romantic relationships with Light (in her teens) and Farrow (in her 20s), neither laster long and both were affected by distance.
Ironically, few people have picked up on Hyatte's longest lasting relationship, with Taylor. This is in part due to the nature of the relationship, which is affected by both women's hectic work schedules. Rather than being exclusively committed to one another, Hyatte and Taylor have agreed to a romantic and sexual relationship when distance allows, with an understanding that they are both open to pursue a more permanant partnership with someone else. This romantic and sexual element has more than once been ended due to such a pursuit, but no other partners have stuck for long. Though Hyatte's daughter and close friends are aware of her relationship with Taylor, the two are careful not to be physically intimate with another in plublic.
Lawful Mysterious
Current Status
working on her new novel
Year of Birth
1905 57 Years old
Glory Falls
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by Molly Mar
Character Portrait image: by Artbreeder


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Aug 7, 2024 12:39 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I am so pleased that she has found success as an author and that she seems to have good support from ther friends and family. It seems that her relationship with Taylor suits them both quite nicely at the moment. :)   How did she come to adopt her daughter?

Aug 8, 2024 03:37 by Marjorie Ariel

You know, I don't think I ever worked out the specifics. I'll have to think about that before I write the article on Chloe.