Roman Carter Character in Nideon | World Anvil
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Roman Carter

CW: war, prejudice

Early Years

Roman Carter and his twin brother, Nic, were born in 1945 in Queensville, to Danny and Daisy Carter. Roman was named after famed light mage Roman Letterman, who he is descended from on his mother's side, and at age eleven, discovered he had inherited the Letterman Family gift for light magic.
Growing up, Roman, Nic, and their cousin, Julie were thick as thieves, and experienced their first separation in high school, when Roman attended a boarding school to improve his magical skills. There, he met Archie Nelson and Jules Duval, who reminded Roman of his family's connection to The Staves of Airrin Underwood. Archie, being in ownership of Underwood's yellow staff immediately recognized the Lettermans as the family that had been in possession of the black staff from the time of its make until it had vanished a century earlier.
During his summers, Roman helped at the Anthony Bertram Opera House to get more practice with light magic and went swing dancing, an activity which had become popular among the sprites in his neighborhood. Though Roman struggled with developing his magical skill, he excelled in all other academic areas and recieved a full scholarship to a prestigious private university. At university, Roman joined a group of swing dancers and began dating one of them. Unfortunately, his mage roommates didn't approve of his lifestyle, and he fought between two identities. By the time he graduated, many of his friendships there had dissolved, as had his relationship with his boyfriend. Unsure what to do with his life, Roman decided to go in search of his family's famous staff.


Though Airrin Underwood's black staff had been wielded by Roman's ancestors for nearly a millenium, the last light mage before him had died more than 100 years before his birth. He transported to Nefrale, where she had lived. There, he met Tilitsitane Todetse and got involved in The Great War of Nideon.
His work led him to the Southern Continent, where he was nearly captured by enemy soldiers. He created a large blast of light to temporarily blind them, but expended much of his energy in the process. Fortunately, he was rescued by singer and fellow spy, Darcie Trudu, who dressed him in her own clothes and disguised him as one of her background singers.
He formed a new partnership with Darcie, and the two of them spent the better part of a year traveling through the Southern Continent, collecting and delivering information. As they did so, Roman's light magic improved, and he used it to get them out of the several scrapes. When the war ended in 1969, he got word from Tilli that she had a lead on the location of his family's staff--in the king's garden.
Upon requesting access to the garden to search for the staff, Roman was asked to prove both his lineage and his ability. Now shed of his insecurities, he called upon his abilities to point him toward the staff and created a path of shadow that led across the grounds. With no recourse but to follow, a member of the king's staff followed him into the garden until Roman plucked the staff from its hiding place, revealing it to everyone present. "I should hope that proves my lineage," he said. Then he left with the staff and returned to Zenxon to reunite with his family and friends at last.
Year of Birth
1945 17 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization


Author's Notes

This world's "present day" is currently aligned with my novel, Natural Magic. This article extends beyond that "present day." For this reason, the character's age in the sidebar may not match its contents.

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Jul 2, 2024 15:25 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Aw, I'm sad he had a rough time at university. I'm glad that in the end he seems to come to peace with who he is and his powers. :)

Jul 2, 2024 15:33 by Marjorie Ariel

Yeah, he just had to go halfway around the world to find himself.