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The Great Reset

The Great Reset, according to the Mun tradition, is when the world is destroyed and remade by the diety Nelo. Many followers believe this has already happened many times and will continue to happen over and over for eternity. There are multiple versions of the the Great Reset, with the main two appearing the the Mun religious texts, the Book of Blue and the Book of Orange.

The Book of Blue

According to the Book of Blue, Nelo, often referred to as The Way, created the world by parting the Endless Ocean and made people out of the mud left behind. The Great Reset will come when The Way allows the waters to recede. The Endless Ocean will consume the world until The Way parts it once again.

The Book of Orange

In The Book of Orange, Nelo, usually called The Goddess of Birds, plucked her own feathers and planted them in the Expanse. The feathers grew into people and the blood that fell from her wounds formed the life-giving ocean. One day, the ocean will dry up until she plants her feathers into the Expanse once again.

Other Versions

The exact nature of the creation of the world and its reset is not particularly important, and countless other versions of the story have been told. These are usually created as part of the Mun Clergy Dedication, in which new clergy members tell the story of the Great Reset. While some tell the same story from the Book of Blue or the Book of Orange, many mix elements of both, and others create new versions entirely. It is more important that followers use these stories to understand their own place in the world.

Cover image: by Molly Mar


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Aug 11, 2024 21:16 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I am really curious as to whether it is true and has happened before. I like the different takes in the books of blue and orange.

Aug 12, 2024 02:43 by Marjorie Ariel

Actually, if you spend enough time in Nideon, you might run across the answer. ;)