
The Year of the Winter War

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Niervalin is a high magic fantasy setting for the long form TTRPG game i am running for my coworkers


Dirt Man CR: 8

Large elemental, unaligned
Armor Class: 14 (Natural Armor
Hit Points: 133 (14d10+56) 14d10+56
Speed: 20 ft , burrow: 60 ft


20 +5


9 -1


18 +4


3 -4


8 -1


1 -5

Skills: Dirt Form: Whatever form Dirt Man takes is always made of dirt.         Magic Resistance: Dirt Man has advantage on spells and other magical effects.     Earth Glide: Dirt Man can burrow through nonmagical, unworked earth and stone. While doing so, Dirt Man doesn't disturb the material it moves through.      
Senses: Darkvision 60ft, Tremorsense 80ft.
Languages: Primordial
Challenge Rating: 8 ( 3900 XP)
Proficiency Bonus: +3


Multiattack: Dirt Man makes two Dirt Throw attacks.           Dirt Throw: Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, range 40/80ft, one target. Hit: (4d4-1) Bludgeoning Damage.   It's Dirt, Man (Recharge 5-6): Dirt Man releases dirt in a 20ft line, covering all in the path with a layer of soft, wonderful dir that has a rich aroma to it. A DC 14 Wisdom Saving Throw is required to resist, otherwise the targets are Prone, Blinded, and Paralyzed and begin to suffocate blissfully in the sweet smelling dirt. This saving throw can be repeated in subsequent turns.   Take you Down to His Lair, Deep Under the Mountain, Underground (Recharge 6): Dirt Man focuses his attention on those who do not have a pouch of dirt on their person. The dirt must be natural and not gained from the Dirt Man in any capacity. Dirt Man attempts to grapple you. If Dirt Man successfully grapples you, you will have until the end of Dirt Man's next turn to escape, otherwise he pulls you underground to his lair. On a successful call of a coinflip, Dirt Man returns to the surface. Otherwise, he stays in his lair and Combat ends.