Prima Matis Language in Nifaalar | World Anvil

Prima Matis (Pree-ma Mah-tiss)

The strange script that had been etched into the stone surface began to glow a faint pale blue hue, emanating arcane energy as a portal merged into existence.
— An excerpt from the records of 'the drow resurgence'

Though there are many translatable languages that have faded into relics of the past, there exists physical evidence of a language that has been here long before the time of man. Sages have come to know this script as Prima Matis, meaning 'The first planned'. The reason for its naming is due to the peculiar nature of the discovery of this script. Though there are a couple more reasons as to why it was given this name; Some believe the script to be a long forgotten language of the gods, and some believe it may be the root of all languages. Whatever the case may be, its creator left no assistance for translation.  


The first recorded evidence of this script was found within the renowned high-elf capital city of Valar by a group of adventurers that came to be known as 'The First Watch'.   It was the year 15 Sylvan Intervention, the day of the coronations of the first elven royal families on Corin. A strange plague had befallen upon the high elves, and so, this group of would-be heroes set out to aid those in need. Eventually, they narrowed down the source of the plague to the water supply beneath the city, venturing into the depths below...   After battling the creature known as an 'Afanc' the party had found a door concealed within the natural stone walls of the underground tunnels. The passageway slid open, revealing a spacious cavern within, seemingly man-made... Small waterfalls poured down from openings in the ceiling above. Across a thin, treacherous walkway over a chasm into a dark abyss below, there lay a circular stone platform with curious etchings of an unknown script scrawled around the entire perimeter. Upon further inspection, the script seemed to have some form of arcane energy to it. Due to the construction of the circle, it was suspected it was a portal...but for what purpose?...
The First Planned


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