Nijin-Yithih Ka
The only moon of Nijin-Yithih.
Planetary information
- Planet mass: 0.91077 M☾
- planet diameter: 0.23672 D⊕ [diameter 3016.24 Km]
- Axial tilt: 0°03'
- average mean temperature: 29.62°C [85.316°F]
- bond Albedo: 30%
- greenhouse effect: 0°C
The small airless moon of Nijin-Yithih, of small significance outside of the entertainment industry; the extremely low gravity on the planet makes for an excellent ground for some fun EVA activities for those who wish to partecipate.
Small public transport ships from Nijin-Yithih depart once every four hours for the Moon theme park, where you can partake in a series of low gravity activities or enjoy the food prepared "on the fly" by the local chefs.
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