Wesh'n Organization in Nil'Dunna | World Anvil
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A mostly Elven kingdom on the rocky eastern half of Bazald, Wesh'n was founded in the first year of the Age of Civility. The country can be divided into three regions. In the south, the lush hills of the Wehs'n Grasslands host many farms and agricultural communities; this region also includes the small port island of Hildifons Isle. The Wesh'n Mountains lie in the center of the land, the tall peaks provide protection for the nation's capitol Sil'Dart. Northern Wesh'n is far less populated than the rest of the country though its people form strong communities in the muddy hills.


  • Wesh'n
    This rocky and mountainous nation of Wesh'n combines the cultures of elven and human.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Training Level
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Major Exports
Metals: None
Food: Griffon flank (delicacy)
Minerals: Marble, Granite, Diamond
Textiles: Wool
Plants: Verdinia
Major Imports
Metals: Orcish Steel, Mithral
Food: Spices,
Minerals: Salt
Textiles: Silk
Plants: Yew
Related Ranks & Titles
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities


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