Drakken's Deirold {Hill} (/drəʊkeən'z/ /direəʊld/)
From what I have heard there is a hill with a large, old and abandoned citadel. The name of the hill comes both from its shape and what once might have been the last known location of a mighty creature. A creature so remarkable and powerful that it was respected by all and hunted by the best of the Demon's warriors and kings. The location once held the last of their kin and when they disappeared all over Nimenra, Drakken's Deirold was left, diminishing into ruins and leaving the history of a creature like that into legends and myth...In the southwestern part of Central Nekuram, there is an old hill with the shape of large teeth protruding from beneath it and a long, forked tongue that the once-great citadel with the same name is located. Drakken's Deirold is locally recounted as a fortress that housed Dragons and was the last location of these before they disappeared from Nimenra to never be seen again. The old citadel and fortress was abandoned soon after for unknown reasons but the hill has had an eerie contrast with the rest of the landscape since and tales say that one day the hill might come alive as the dragons' return is at hand.— Everam, Teller of Nimenra
Alternative name
Dragon's Home
Dragon's Peak
Related Titles
Keeper of Drakk
Dragon's Home
Dragon's Peak
Related Titles
Keeper of Drakk
Mountain / Hill