
Nilindran (or Nilindran day) is a celebratory tradition related to the Goddesses Nilari and Reliona and partly to the God Rhyn. It is a day for celebrating love, relation and the strive for the future. While practised outside, in Nilaminra, it is closely related to the Nini and the virginity of women in the country, thus for them, it is more related to Nilari.


The celebration has been celebrated since time immemorial. According to the earliest texts and tales, Nilindran was celebrated around the Hestan region in The Theocracy of Nilaria and Minrans near the former capital of the nation Hestandi. Tales tell of a festival for a minor, regional Deity of Love who invited Nilari, the Goddess of Peace and patients, once upon a time and here they met with Reliona, the Goddess of War and Virginity. Reliona had a woman whom she saw as the prettiest and strongest among all the female practitioners, while Nilari had a woman who she saw was the prettiest and as a virtuous virgin. As the festival was one of love and fertility, they wanted to see their woman as the most successful one. They decided that over a period of ten years, the one with the most children would have chosen the best. The minor Deity of Love tried to stop them but they both had already agreed.
Ten years later, none of the women had given birth. When asked about it, both were still virgins and had been preoccupied with their interests. In fact, they said that they were more likely to "find each other than a man", which to the two Goddesses was more a sign for them both that they were putting too much pride and prestige into the matter.
Overtime this festival spread over Telamirein. After the rise of Nilaminra, the Minrans gave the festival a more focus on virginity and their leader the Nini. This change did not however spread over the borders into the Kingdom of Ravero or other neighbours.


Most of the time there is a gathering to festivities in larger villages or towns where many gathers to celebrate. Symbols of Reliona and Nilari is most common during this time but at times there is also symbols of Rhyn in the aspect of being the God of Fertility. It is held over a period of three days, with preparations lasting a week before. The gatherings start with older women and mothers who prepare their girls for the upcoming fest and with setup of a larger gathering spot, usually outside or, if the weather is not in their favour, in a larger house. Most of the time the women tell the girls about what to look for in a man and about the preparations for love life, and how not to ruin it. Meanwhile, boys too prepare for the fest. Some might go to look for which girls are available and others practise dancing, shows and their appearances.
With it all set up the mothers accompany their daughters to the festival. Here the daughters stand together in groups and assess the men, who also arrive around the same time. As a celebration to love and the gods are in order, food is served, feelings are high and love can blind, therefor the girls stand together as both protection and to help each other to a boy that should be good for them. It is the girls who usually picks the man but in some places, it is the reverse. While boys always may go forward and ask a girl out, he has to be cautious about it so not to be brash about it. If a boy and a girl already fancy each other before the festivities its normal for them to be a pair and dance and celebrate. In Nilaminra it is almost taboo to ask an already fancied girls or boys if it is known by the wider community.
Dancing, praying and shows of affection are normal during these fests. The mothers and fathers too participate on their own when they see that the girls and boys can handle themselves, with a watchful eye now and a again thrown their ways.
There is some nobility outside of Nilaminra who mock this practice since it resembles some their own practises when giving away their daughters or the ladies auctions.


The mothers of available girls have the highest responsibility to set up the celebration for the festival. After that, it is the older women who set up the gathering place and in Nilaminra they are like the ones who decide about the fest. During the fest, it is not uncommon in Nilaminra for the older women, grandmother or other mother figures, to be asked by the girl before choosing their boy to ask out.
Girls and boys of all ages go to this gathering to find love or to spot someone they might fancy to ask them for a dance. They are the key participants for this celebration.
Fathers participation is not unusual but since he also does a lot of work during the days before the fest on his own he might stay home and rest. He might also stay at home if they have to travel far distances to get to the gathering and fest.

Cover image: Marlun Expanse Header by A of Worldkeymaster (Artbreeder)


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