Order of the Burning Forge

Let the flames never die. Let our forge burn bright. Let us fight for our freedom. The Flaming Sword and Forge will be our tools of trade into a new future.
— Remnants of the Order of the Burning Forge's prayer
The Order of the Burning Forge was an organized circle of men and women who dedicated themselves to the legacy of Marr Temper and his work. According to legend and scholarly findings, it started out as a group trying to keep Temper's smithing knowledge alive but soon transformed into an order of warriors wielding burning swords. The Order of the Burning Forge would fight against Renvar tribal kingdoms and later the Kingdom of Ravero. Eventually, they became a key part of the Kingdom of Wanria when it formed from the Wanerian tribes trying to survive the Time of Kingdoms. Despite the order's best efforts, the Wanerians would be defeated several times and eventually, the order together with the remnant kingdom moved north to escape Ravero and the Kingdom of Telaron. It was around this time the order was defeated one last time, disappeared and its knowledge lost forever.

Warriors and Smiths

While originally focusing on the legacy of Marr Temper's metal works, it was soon after the order evolved into an order of warriors who wanted to protect their homes from invaders. Most of all their belief focused on the forge and fire as a symbol of resistance against the invaders. Their symbol, the anvil on fire, was important to their belief and history due to Marr's profession as a smith.
In the early days, the smiths were also the same as the warriors. They created their own weapons from Bremerin, a metal that was much tougher than iron and was discovered to be able to keep a flame alive as if it was burning without any oils. While it is unknown, some speculation suggests magic was also involved in these burning blades' smithing process. The warriors defended their tribe fiercely for several years.
As time passed the order started to keep smiths and warriors separate so that both could specialise in their knowledge and techniques. To become a warrior, however, one had to have smithing knowledge as they had to forge their own sword, or alternatively a mace or hammer. The order kept a strict selection process with a series of test that are unknown today.

Forge, Fire, Protect our lives.

Ca. 592-602 V.D. - Ca. 1000 V.D.

Military Order

Legacy of the Forge

The Order of the Burning Forge flickered out abruptly but slowly. With their home and fort destroyed and the decline of Wanria, the order vanished from history. The Wanerians have kept history about them mostly oral due to them being a symbol of resistance. While Marr Temper's tale Song of Temper and Sword is well-liked by many, the history of the order is still a struggling topic for many outside of the scholarly circles. More recently there have been rumors about the order. For a thousand years, they survived only as a struggling weak chain of apprentices and acquaintances who sent letters to each other, remembering the lost past of Wanria and the order. Some say they are gathering for a return, a new resistance against the Kingdom of Ravero. If there is any truth to the rumours, however, only the first link of the chain knows...

Cover image: Marlun Expanse Header by A of Worldkeymaster (Artbreeder)


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