
The Goddess Nilari blessed this staff when Jeanne was alone and needed Her the most. That blessing helpt Jeanne lead and defeat the invaders of her home with powerful magic. A magic that all its user inherit if they are the the chosen able to use it for the purpose of good.
— Everam, Teller of Nimenra
Nilari's artifacts are few in number but many agree that the most powerful one is Paixir, Her blessed staff of peace. It is one of three artifacts that Nilari Herself created for the purpose of conflict, or rather, protect from conflict. The staff eminates powerful magic and has a deep connection to the Goddess according to its wielders, allowing them to connect to the Goddess in ways many would hope to do. This is also why the staff is locked away by The Nini of Nilaminra for it not to be misused. While attempts has been made to steal it, no one has ever sucessfuly done so.
In the present, the staff has been given to a new wielder, Felicia, one of the Heroine Amy's close friends.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Location
1,8 meters

The Staff of Peace - A History of Jeanne and its Beginning

A long time ago the staff was an ordinary magic focus, a tool for magic users to channel their magic through. It is unknown if it was a heirloom to any famous magic user before it came into the possession of Jeanne Arina. According to myth it was used during the conflict surrounding Founding of the theocracy Nilaminra by a mage who aided The First Nini and became a close friend who's name is forgotten.
Jeanne Arina was a young woman growing up on a farm in a small village when bandits attacked her and her family. She was abducted and later when she was rescued by Relinnias she was a different woman. She had not lost all of her cheerful self but moved away from her surviving family to the security of the town of Abbersse. Here Jeanne learned that she had a strong magical affinity and was given a staff, this staff was Paixir.
With Paixir she learned protective and healing magic while also becoming a loyal servant to Nilari by working for the local church and holy order. This was a time when Nilaminra was at war with Kingdom of Telaron. The Telars invaded from the south and inevitably it was towards Jeanne her home village. While she was not a warrior herself, she wanted to travel and prevent what was about to happen. She was forbidden from doing so by the head priestess and told to trust Nilari that her village and family would be safe.
Jeanne disobeyed the words of her superior and travelled with a Nilaminran force to her home. When they arrived the Telars were on the edge of the village. The Telars were double the force compared to the levy forces that the Nilaminran had. Jeanne went into the village and helped her family escape, waiting for what was going to happen. Instead, a long stand-off started where the Telars simply stood and waited, observing the Nilaminran forces. This continued for two weeks. The life of the Nilaminran forces, however, were less than great or good for that matter. They lacked organization and even having the home grounds did not help as bandits in the area were more than keen on taking their time around the countryside and even attacking the levy's camp. Soon enough the commander of the Nilaminran forces had enough and attacked the Telar's superior position. Conscripting even the local farmers and in turn also Jeanne, she witnessed as the Telars performed a strong defence against the attackers. Day by day the levy grew smaller and the lack of morale and camp conditions made it all worse. On the fourth day of the attacks, the commanding officer was killed and panic was inevitable. Jeanne's magic ability was lacking compared to her peers when it came to offensive ability she lacked most of all any offensive ability. With the commander dead, the Telars marched down on the Nilaminrans. Jeanne lost most of her hope when she saw her brothers being cut down when they were trying to protect her. It was then something happened to her:
In a wave of magic Jeanne blasted a frosty wave that threw the closest enemies away from her and her allies. When all eyes fell on her she had a radiant aura of white and blue. All feared what was happening and what was about to happen. As she said words that few understood as magic incarnations another wave pushed the Telars to their knees and backs, she produced a magic shield around a soldier who was about to be attacked. She awoke the badly injured with her touch. The staff's top, a dusty crystal shone like a morning star. She emanated a presence of dignity, hope and survival. She became a symbol, a Heroine some say.
— From Texts of Acts
What had happened to the women few would understand. The staff and its users inspired the troops to fight back as Jeanne forced the Telars back. With blinding rays of light, waves of cold and a presence unlike any had witnessed that day, she led the Nialminrans to victory and forced the Telars to retreat. The staff, of simple wood with a crystal on top, was now white and inside the crystal danced blue and white colours. But when the battle ended, Jeanne fainted.
After what happened, Jenne was chastised for her difference despite her acts. This, however, brought the battle and incident to The Nini of Nilaminra. She invited Jeanne and asked her to describe what had happened and for the staff to be examined. Jeanne did as she was told this time and a week later, Jeanne was proclaimed as a hero who had been blessed by Nilari. She was given a title in The Nilarian Church and congratulations for her blessing.
Jeanne would fight against the Telars again in several battles with her newfound abilities. Her staff, now called Paixir for the peace that it brought to all when it shone, was always by her side. It is said that Jeanne always found her courage thanks the Nilari always being present in the staff for her. As time passed, the war was over and peace was brought back. Jeanne returned to Abbersse and lived with her family both new and old until her death. The staff and some of her belongings were then given to the church of Nilaminra as a symbol of Nilari.

Cover image: Marlun Expanse Header by A of Worldkeymaster (Artbreeder)


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