Relinian chalice

Every church or chapel dedicated to Her name has one for all the important rituals. A chalice made out of silver and decorated with amber and a red stone. This is the Relinian chalice.
— Everam, Teller of Nimenra
In many of the rituals performed in a Relinian church, the Relinian chalice is an important vessel between Reliona and Her devoted servants. They are filled with blessed apple juice from the redest of sweet apples during the rituals for the worshippers to drink from. Only ones blessed by Reliona, being part of Her most devoted and closest servants or chosen by a priestess are allowed to drink from it.

Apperance, significance and function

All churches dedicated to Reliona have a silver chalice with a red stone embedded into the rim of it. Many can also be decorated with other symbols of Reliona; red robins, sword and shield, swans or roses. The chalice is used in many rituals, most significant is the blessing of maidens or knightesses who have dedicated their lives to Reliona and Her service. It is a well-kept and important item for every church which if misplaced or handled incorrectly leads to shame and even worse punishments.
According to myth, Reliona used a silver chalice containing a liquid mixed with Her blessing to grant powers and strength to Her warriors during the War of the Gods. The "bronze" coloured liquid has been a debated topic amongst religious men and women as no one knows what the Goddess gave Her followers. Apple juice has been the most accepted interpretation of the empowering liquid. It is always blessed by a priestess when it is accepted and bought by a church, which tests the sweetness and colouration before purchase.
I am perhaps one of few unblessed and undedicated to Her who have had the privilege to drink from a Relinian chalice during a ritual. The apple juice tasted like sweet wine... much purer than any other I had tasted! But I also felt... renewed, refreshed... as if something dropped a shower of rain over me, from head to the bottom of my stomach.
— Everam, Teller of Nimenra
Item type
Religious / Ritualistic

Cover image: Marlun Expanse Header by A of Worldkeymaster (Artbreeder)


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Dec 30, 2023 11:07 by Clementine Dehning

Simple yet elegant, I can definitely envision it sitting on top of an alter

Trans Rights are Human Rights
Dec 30, 2023 12:45 by A

Thank you! I was hoping to bring it into your mind when you read about it

Worldkeymaster, also known as A of Worldkeymaster.
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Jan 26, 2024 19:37 by Bob O'Brien

Nice work. Simple, as the earlier commenter said, but clear - and with just enough mystery to be fascinating. I'm inspired to consider adding some sort of drinking vessel to my own world Arcane rather than religious, perhaps with random magical effects.... and maybe even a curse or two!

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