
How history changes the world, and how a conqueror's glory can fade and remain so forever...
— Everam, Teller of Nimenra
The devastated capital of the once great Kingdom of Kyrkas, Surthem is a ruin of its former glory even 1200 years after it was finally annexed by Orfordwhelm. The Orfordians have made it clear to not rebuild the former city, leaving much of its affairs to a noble family with little power and a harsh Orfordian governor who controls the larger region. This has turned the once large city into nothing more than a village in size, having less than 500 souls living in the ruins, surviving each day on trade and growing their own food.

Demographics, Government and Infastructure


There are few outsiders living in the old city. The Kyrians who live in Surthem are the ones that are descendants of the ones that were left by the last days of the kingdom. Some are descendants of desperate refugees that came from the south when Orfordwhelm went through its big expansion. Many work each day to survive in the fields outside of the ruined buildings and walls, with some trying to mine in the open-pit mine that is operating under the orders of the governor. There is no garrison, and thus no soldiers, in the village ever since the last attempted revolt 400 years ago.


Leading the village from afar is a Kyran noble family named Margún, who rules the region from their castle by the riverside further north. They have little de facto power, however, due to a governor, a Goverchief, holding the true legislative and authoritarian power. Hjalmar Sturn is the current governor and he holds the region and its former capital under a detailed eye. He has performed the duty for twelve years with little reprimand from the Chief-king of Orfordhwelm which he reports directly.The village has its own leading group consisting of the oldest families. While they don't execute any laws, they use their history from the region to make sure no one makes any foolish or daunting actions against Orfordwhelm.

Infrastructure and Defence

The first thing one notices when approaching the village is its roads. The old cobblestone roads are oddly maintained inside the core village and out to the fields. The village has maintained somewhat of a structure to keep living in the ruins, using the stones of unused buildings for their repairs and keeping the road navigable so trade can leave and arrive. This makes the living houses closely knitted together, with the Chapel of the Prince located next to the ruins of the keep that still hunts the area. There is one stone watermill used to make flour for the town. The remains of a remarkably advanced sewer system still exist in the village. It was built during the city's prime, running far downriver into a pre-kyrian building.
Around the village the walls of old crumble in place. Orfodwhelm was very determined for it to remain so and does not allow any attempt to rebuild them. Some portions still stand battered from the siege that ended Kyrkas as a kingdom, overgrown with vines and grass, even trees that somehow have reached itself high up on the walls. Rudimentary defences of low stone walls and simple palisades have been allowed to be built to prevent bandits or animal attacks.

Resources and Trade

When it was at its prime, the city collected resources from afar. From westward came stone, ores and tools while from the south came much food such as grains, river fish, fruit and fibres. While the city's soil was fertile, many of the people had moved on to trade and services. Back then several tens of thousands lived inside the walls.
In the present one sees a different story. All trade has almost vanished and is restricted by Orfordwhelm's governor of the area. The population survives on self-subsistence most times of the year, living on the grains, fish and prey animals they are able to find. Primarily beets, roughwheat and lettuce are grown in the fields.
Many buildings are made out of stone that is reused from the various ruined buildings that still stand. However, an open mine was built when platinum and crystals were found in the low-lying hills in the area. Some villagers work there on the orders of the governor.
Large Village
Ca. 400 B.V.D.
966 and 1233 V.D

Explore Nimenra

Kasta'eim Irrend
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Kingdom of Kyrkas
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Cover image: Telamirein Header by A of Worldkeymaster (Artbreeder)


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