Amelia Nite

Amelia is a badperson with an attitude that resides in the slums of the Kingdom and doesn't venture out often. They see people as living beings and only views monsters as someone to eventually befriend while regular people can easily be seen as the TRUE monsters. Amelia has a fear of people turning against them once the people realize Amelia's true nature and everything else that comes with being them. They have very little friends, seeing friendship as needing to be extremely trustworthy, which is very hard for them to do with most people. When given the chance, Amelia will work harder than those around them, often taking note of what people do in their day-to-day lives.  
"Things are different, Ni. Ever since I met you, I feel like I can be myself. Which is why I wanted to ask you..."
— Amelia to their crush

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

by Amelia Nite (Hero Forge)
Amelia is of average height with pale skin containing pinkish undertones, and cleft lip scar. They have short brown hair cut into an asymmetrical hairstyle that covers their right eye. Violet eyes match their tiny indigo horns that grow out of their scalp. Dark purple tattoos wrap around their neck and snake down their arms, resembling the complexity of magic. They even wear makeup that resembles a crescent moon. A pair of amber earrings are worn on their left ear with a set of bronze eyebrow piercings.   Amelia has a slightly chubby frame that isn't hidden away by baggy clothes. They openly wear a black and gold corset, showing off their frame, and a pair of dark cargo pants. Their nails are painted a metallic black and they carry around a dual stun spear for protection while in the slums of the Kingdom.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Amelia was born in the capital of Katolis to Rayla and Callum. They trained her to be the perfect warrior and mage if Amelia was capable of it. With promising results, Amelia grew up to be more accomplished than most her age.  
by Amelia Nite (Hero Forge)
At the age of fourteen, a devastating plague swept through Katolis, corrupting the living into the undead. Afraid for their life, Amelia stayed within the capital, biding time while their dad and uncle looked for a cure. Then, an infected person that had taken refuge within the capital attacked and bite Amelia's uncle. Angered by this, Amelia left the capital, searching for something to bring their uncle one more ounce of happiness, when they came across a book containing dark magic.   Curious, Amelia read through the book until they spotted the spell to reverse the effects of the undead curse. Amelia quickly got to work saving the lives of those left in Katolis, regardless of what would happen to themself. While Katolis was saved, their parents were furious with them, grounding them for delving into banned practices. For the next few months, Amelia felt like they were walking on eggshells around their parents and the rest of the castle, including their uncle and godfather, Soren.  
by Amelia Nite (Hero Forge)
Amelia couldn't take much more of it and packed a bag to run away. In the dead of night, they disappeared and took a ship south of Katolis, not caring where they ended up. Eventually, Amelia came across an island with a hidden Kingdom, where she snuck in and decided to stay. Their surprise at the advanced technology was short lived when they got their first cell phone and had access to wide range of knowledge that would be impossible to obtain at home. Living in the slums, Amelia started their first job as a waitress for a rundown dinner while living in a cockroach infested appartment building. Each job they held over the years was more tedious than the last.   A few years later came the annual Night to Knight Knights ceremony, and Amelia could care less. Instead of watching the ceremony as everyone else, they took to drinking with Armin Skrimir, a co-worker and trusted friend, and had fun making fun of the stiff traditions the Knights were forced to adhere to. Then came the shocking news nobody was expecting; a newly named Knight, Ballister Boldheart, assassinated the Queen on live television.   Amelia tried to hide their shock as mere intrigue, but the truth was, Amelia could not believe such a feat could happen. A week went by before the Queen's real killer was revealed to the public via the internet; more specifically from Ballister's account. The Queen Killer was the Director and acting Queen. On top of that, a monster was sighted within the Kingdom and everything went into lockdown. Amelia ended up watching the "monster" attempt to kill itself before showing Ballister apologizing to it and helping to comfort the being.   The sad, but sweet, moment was quickly ended when it was further revealed how insane the Director was. The Director had charged the energy canon and was about to fire it into the city to destroy the monster. The saddest moment of Amelia came when they witnessed the monster take on the form of a flaming pheonix and fly straight at the canon. For weeks, the Kingdom mourned the death of Nimona, the Kingdom's savior. Amelia was one of hundreds of thousands that went to her memorial to leave something special in Nimona's honor.   A year later, when everything was dying back down, Amelia was making food at another restaurant when a beautiful girl came in to order takeout. At first, Amelia tried to focus on their job until they heard a co-worker mentioning how the girl was a "monster" that needed to be "put down" for the sake of everyone in the Kingdom. This pushed Amelia into paying attention and looking at the girl before confronting the co-worker. Amelia went forward and grabbed the first thing they saw — a chair. They picked it up and struck their co-worker without a hint of remorse. Then Amelia told the co-worker off and threw their worker hat on the counter before grabbing the girl's hand and dragging her out of the restaurant.   They continued hanging out with Nimona whenever possible, leading Amelia to meet Ballister and his boyfriend, Ambrosius Goldenloin. The two of them quickly became chaotic best friends that enjoy tormenting jerks and bringing a new meaning of partying to the table.  
"You honestly think this girl is a monster? Wooow! You must be sooooo misguided that you can't see the real monster here. You."
— Amelia to a co-worker


Amelia considers themself pansexual. They care little for what someone looks like, regardless of their gender or physical appearance. However, they do know that they are not attracted to those who are complete jerks and abuse others.


Every job Amelia has had while in the slums is connected to fast food restaurants. Their current job has a slightly better establishment than most and they quickly rose through the ranks to work on the grill. And while they enjoy working with most of their co-workers, there are a few they can't stand.

Accomplishments & Achievements

They feel that beating the bully co-worker with a chair resulted in their meeting the most badass shapeshifter they've ever known (Nimona is the only shapeshifter Amelia knows). Amelia is also happy that this led to the shapeshifter to becoming best friends with them.

Failures & Embarrassments

Amelia feels that they've failed as a child by using dark magic, even if it was the only way to save their uncle. They would rather their parents accept them for who they are.

Mental Trauma

After being pushed into running away for saving their uncle by any means necessary, Amelia grew despondent and turned to drinking to cope with their pain and loss of their family. Some of the tattoos they got, particularly on their arms, are a form of healing and remind them of life's complicated paths.   Amelia is also traumatized by the life they have to live in the slums. They desperately want to get out and enjoy living a slightly better life, but they know saving money, paying bills, and eating come first.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

  • Being torn down for using dark magic
  • Cooking
  • Their crush
  • Horror movies
  • Bullies / Conservatives
  • Nobles (especially snobby ones)
  • Nutty foods
  • Sappy Romance movies


Chaotic Neutral
Current Status
Year of Birth
11 AZ 23 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Related Plots
Known Languages

by Nimona (Netflix)


The "monster girl" Amelia defended from their co-worker is none other than Nimona. Amelia could not stand to see someone bullied like they had been and lost control. Nimona was surprised but also impressed with the level of violence that Amelia used on a jerk.


by Amelia Nite (Hero Forge)

Armin Skrimir

Armin is one of Amelia closest friends and the only one who knows their full backstory and who they crush on. He can keep secrets for them while also chewing them for doing something stupid, like beating someone with a chair for using a few racist terms. There's always a better way to handle things, but Amelia doesn't care. They got a cool friend out of it.

Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)
Character Portrait image: by Amelia Nite (Hero Forge)


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