
Astriapis are a fascinating species with an arthropodan appearance, their bodies covered in chitinous plates of various colors and patterns. They have a humanoid build with four arms and two legs, and their heads are dominated by large compound eyes that give them an exceptional field of vision. The astriapis exoskeletons are adorned with intricate patterns, indicating their place in the complex society. Their movements are precise and calculated, reflecting the efficient and ordered nature of their culture.   The astriapi culture is organized around the maintenance of an enormous technomagical infrastructure that covers the planet. Their society is regimented, and each astriapi is assigned a specific role from a young age. They work tirelessly to understand and maintain the planet's system, and their rigorous education ensures that they perform their duties to perfection.   As astriapis ventured into space, some of them began questioning their assigned roles and their society's hierarchical structure. These dissenters often end up challenging the authority of the Hierarchs and seeking to break free of their rigid societal roles. Despite this, the astriapi society remains a complex and fascinating culture with its vast technological achievements and deeply ingrained traditions.
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