Death World

At the edge of the Pact System lies the planet of Eox, a dark and foreboding world populated by an ancient race of intelligent undead. These creatures were once living beings, but long ago they delved too deeply into the secrets of death and undeath, and were forever transformed into creatures of darkness and decay.   The undead are led by three powerful liches, who are the de facto rulers of the planet. Each lich has their own territory and subjects, but they work together to maintain the overall stability and security of the Eoxian nation.   The undead are a highly advanced society, with technology that far surpasses that of many other races in the galaxy. They have mastered the arts of space travel and terraforming, and have even developed powerful necromantic technologies that allow them to create and control undead minions.   Despite their fearsome reputation, the undead are not universally evil. While they have little sympathy for the living, they are a highly pragmatic race, and will work with other species if it serves their interests. They are also highly protective of their own, and will go to great lengths to defend their people and their territory.   They are a territorial people, and few have survived encounters with them. Some speculate that they worship dark gods of death and decay, while others believe that they are simply driven by a desire for power and dominance. Whatever their motivations may be, the Eoxians are a force to be reckoned with, and few who cross them live to tell the tale.
Government, Leadership
Controlled Territories


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