Fringers Organization in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


The Fringers are a group of individuals who possess powerful psionic abilities, which they have honed and developed to a remarkable degree. They are often seen as outsiders and outcasts by society at large, due to their unusual abilities and the fear and mistrust that often surrounds those who possess them.   Despite this, the Fringers have come together to form a close-knit community that values independence, creativity, and the exploration of the unknown. They often live on the fringes of society, hence their name, and are known for their resourcefulness and ingenuity in finding ways to survive and thrive in difficult circumstances.   The Fringers are not a formal organization, but rather a loose network of individuals who share a common bond through their psionic abilities. They communicate with each other through a variety of methods, including telepathy and other forms of mental communication, and often work together on projects and missions that further their shared goals and interests.   One of the Fringers' most important goals is to explore the mysteries of the universe, and they often venture out into the far reaches of space in search of new knowledge and experiences. They are also known for their interest in technology and the development of new ways to enhance and expand their psionic abilities.   Despite their sometimes rebellious and individualistic nature, the Fringers are also deeply committed to helping others and fighting against injustice and oppression. They often use their abilities to help those in need, and to fight against powerful organizations and individuals who seek to control or exploit others.   Overall, the Fringers are a fascinating and mysterious group, whose psionic abilities give them unique insights and perspectives on the world around them. While they may be seen as outsiders and outcasts by many, they have formed a close and supportive community that values independence, creativity, and the pursuit of knowledge and adventure.
Exotic, Gestalt Consciousness


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