
Gosclaws are a feline species that adapted to a volatile environment on a rocky planet, where earthquakes and active volcanoes were the norm. Their flexible necks, pliable bodies, and short tails are designed to allow them to maneuver easily through tight spaces, which was crucial to their survival in their underground cities. The discovery of advanced technology from a crashed scout ship helped the gosclaws to reverse-engineer space travel and advanced weaponry.   As part of the empire, gosclaws serve as engineers, using their unique physical characteristics to their advantage. Their fur can vary in coloration depending on their region of origin or the weather, but they often dye their fur to express their individuality. Gosclaws are quick-witted and individualistic, focused on achieving results rather than obeying procedures.   Their eagerness to embrace technology as a means of advancing their culture has made them less interested in maintaining their own traditions. Gosclaws view their position in the empire hierarchy as a desirable way to propel themselves into the future. Although they recognize that the empire is not benevolent, they are opportunistic and see their conquest as a long-term advantage.   Gosclaws are tall and agile, with a lean body and smooth fur. Their fur ranges from dark brown to gold and can be dyed to express individuality. They reach adulthood at 13 and have a natural lifespan of up to 80 years. Overall, gosclaws are a resourceful and adaptable species with a strong drive to advance their culture through technology.
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