
Izalguuns are a fascinating species with a unique physiology that allows them to walk on their lower arms as well as their legs, making them appear as centaur-like quadrupeds. They have a gray-green coloration with occasional mottling around their joints, and their mouths are vertically oriented with a bony chin protrusion that aids in collecting food and liquid runoff. They live as low-tech hunter-gatherers.   Despite their primitive lifestyle, Izalguuns possess advanced technology that they have chosen to bury in subterranean complexes across their planet, out of fear that they may one day need to defend themselves from aggressive species. They have a strong sense of community and categorize each member's role as either a hunter, gatherer, or leader, with elders, healers, and scientists making up the leadership caste.   Izalguuns ancestors where once space fairing guardians of ancient technology that hold secrets of the universe. Over time they have forgotten their advanced civilization and spend their time guarding what little they remember from their ancestors wards.


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