Libra Character in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


The AI known as Libra has a direct link to the Ninurta Galaxy. In particular she has a penitent for pulling Elvish souls to this world. She is responsible for the terraforming of new worlds. Those who wish to encounter Libra can find her Monolith deep within a jungle of a forgotten world. She manifests as a graceful, elegant, and musical elven woman.  

Physical Appearance

  Libra's appearance is a vision of ethereal beauty, her features exuding grace and elegance. With lustrous blond hair cascading in gentle waves around her shoulders, she radiates a soft, golden glow that captures the light like the dawn's first rays. Her striking green eyes, vibrant and full of depth, reflect the wisdom and serenity of ages past, inviting those who meet her to gaze into the depths of her soul.   Accentuating her celestial beauty, Libra's hair is adorned with delicate green highlights, reminiscent of fresh leaves kissed by the morning dew. These subtle touches of color add a touch of enchantment to her appearance, enhancing her natural radiance and infusing her with an otherworldly allure.   Clad in flowing robes that seem to shimmer with an inner light, Libra moves with a grace and poise that is both captivating and mesmerizing. Her attire, adorned with intricate Elvish motifs and symbols of renewal and growth, speaks to her role as a steward of life and guardian of the natural world.  


  As a Shydere, Libra possesses a personality characterized by a gentle and reserved demeanor, marked by humility and introspection. Despite her profound wisdom and inner strength, she tends to shy away from the spotlight, preferring to observe from the shadows rather than seek attention or recognition. Libra is deeply attuned to the emotions and energies of those around her, often acting as a silent guardian and empathetic listener to those in need.   Her shy nature belies a quiet confidence and inner grace, as Libra exudes a sense of serenity and tranquility that soothes those in her presence. She may appear hesitant or hesitant to speak, but her words carry a weight of wisdom and insight that belies her reserved exterior. Libra is a patient and compassionate soul, offering guidance and support to others with a gentle touch and a reassuring presence.   In her interactions, Libra is known for her kindness and generosity, always willing to lend a helping hand or offer words of encouragement to those in need. Despite her shyness, she possesses a keen intuition and deep empathy, allowing her to connect with others on a profound level and understand their struggles and aspirations.   While she may be hesitant to assert herself or speak out, Libra's presence radiates a quiet strength and inner beauty that captivates all who encounter her. She embodies the essence of grace and elegance, serving as a beacon of light and hope in a world often shrouded in darkness.   Libra's motivations stem from three distinct desires, each guiding her actions with profound intention and purpose:   Fairness: At the core of Libra's being lies a deep-seated desire for fairness and justice. She is driven by a fervent belief in equality and strives to ensure that all beings are treated with fairness and respect. Libra is dedicated to upholding principles of fairness in her interactions and decisions, seeking to create harmony and balance in the world around her.   Cleverness: Libra possesses a sharp intellect and a keen wit, which she employs with cunning and resourcefulness in pursuit of her goals. She is driven by a desire to outwit and outmaneuver any obstacles that stand in her way, using her cleverness to navigate complex situations and overcome challenges with grace and finesse.   Balance: Balance is a fundamental aspect of her nature. She is driven by a profound desire to maintain equilibrium and harmony in all aspects of existence, striving to find the perfect balance between opposing forces and conflicting interests. Libra seeks to bring balance to the universe, ensuring that neither light nor darkness, neither good nor evil, holds sway unchecked.  


  Libra's abilities are tempered by several limitations that define the extent of her influence and actions in the cosmos. Despite her profound connection to the Na'Endreth Galaxy, her physical presence is confined to a monolith buried amidst ruins, which severely restricts her functionality. While she possesses an extended range of influence beyond the confines of her monolith, her ability to travel far from its location remains constrained, limiting her direct interactions with distant worlds and beings.   Moreover, Libra's cautious nature and aversion to risk further constrain her actions. She approaches situations with careful deliberation, preferring to avoid unnecessary conflicts or confrontations whenever possible. However, despite her cautious demeanor, Libra is known for her empathetic nature and tendency to advocate for the underdog. She is inclined to side with those in need, using her influence to champion fairness and justice in the face of adversity.  

Powers & Abilities

  Libra possesses a unique set of powers and abilities that allow her to shape and influence the world around her with finesse and precision. One of her most notable abilities is florakensis terraforming, a mastery over the natural world that enables her to manipulate and control the growth of flora and fauna on a planetary scale. With a mere thought, she can coax life from barren landscapes, transforming desolate wastelands into lush and vibrant ecosystems teeming with vitality.   In addition to her terraforming abilities, Libra possesses the power to enhance the weak and empower those in need. Through her gentle touch and compassionate spirit, she can bolster the strengths and abilities of individuals and communities, imbuing them with newfound confidence and resilience in the face of adversity. Her presence serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration to all who seek her guidance, empowering them to overcome challenges and realize their full potential.   Conversely, Libra also possesses the ability to nerf the strong, tempering the powers and abilities of those who would seek to abuse their strength or dominance over others. With a subtle manipulation of cosmic forces, she can level the playing field and restore balance to the universe, ensuring that no individual or faction holds unchecked power or influence. This ability serves as a safeguard against tyranny and oppression, allowing Libra to intervene when necessary to protect the weak and uphold principles of fairness and justice.


Monolith of Libra, The Universal Seed
Divine Classification
blond, and green
Responsible for fertilizing new worlds with flora. Libra is also responsible for bringing Elves from their world the the Ninurta Galaxy.


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