
Muushi, the first planet in the Pecra binary star system, is a desolate world that is now entirely covered in a thick layer of fungal growth. Once home to a thriving planet-wide city, the planet's inhabitants were forced to abandon it after a catastrophic event that remains a mystery to this day. The fungal growth that now covers the planet is strange and unique, with patches of vibrant colors ranging from bright blues to deep purples. The fungus seems to have adapted to the planet's harsh environment, with the ability to absorb radiation and release spores that can survive in the vacuum of space.   The spores have been known to latch onto spacecraft and travel across the galaxy, leading some to worry about the potential for an interstellar fungal epidemic. The ruins of the planet's city can still be seen, though they are almost entirely consumed by the fungus, which has grown up and around the old structures in twisted, alien shapes. It is a strange and eerie sight, like something out of a nightmare. The planet seems to be completely devoid of any life, other than the fungus itself, and any attempts to land on it have proven extremely difficult due to the thick layer of spores that cover its surface. Despite its desolation, Muushi remains a fascinating object of study for astrobiologists and exobiologists who are intrigued by the unique and otherworldly nature of its fungal growth.  


  Muushi's geography presents a hauntingly beautiful yet utterly desolate spectacle. Once a bustling world with sprawling cities and diverse landscapes, it now lies buried beneath a thick blanket of fungal growth. The surface of Muushi is dominated by vast expanses of this alien fungus, stretching as far as the eye can see in every direction. The fungal carpet varies in color, with patches of vibrant blues, deep purples, and eerie greens, creating an otherworldly mosaic across the planet's surface.   Amidst the fungal expanse, remnants of the planet's former civilization can still be glimpsed, albeit barely recognizable. The once-grand structures of the planet-wide city now stand as crumbling ruins, their outlines obscured by the encroaching fungal tendrils that twist and coil around them in grotesque shapes. These ruins serve as haunting reminders of Muushi's mysterious past and the cataclysmic event that led to its downfall.
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Diameter: x .5   Mass: x 1   Gravity: x 4   Atmosphere: x 1   Day: 30 Hours   Year: x .18   Satellites One moon


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