Psacynoid Ethnicity in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


Psacynoids are strange to behold. Standing taller than humans with bulbous appendages protruding from their slender frames, a Psacynoid waddles around with an alien grace. Further more enormous sack like heads sway on top of their already unique forms.   They are few in number but Psacynoids are live in their subterranean farms on Dazon harvesting unique arcane crystals. Though they've made peaceful contact with others outside of their home system, psacynoids have yet to make a large mark on the galactic scene. However, the growing interstellar market for their magic crystals will surely bring the planet both wealth and fame soon enough.   While they have an affinity for Dazon's crystals they are not originally from there. Psacynoids just showed up out of the blue one day and started mining much to the annoyance of the other occupants. While they are sentient it is incredibly difficult to communicate with this non auditory species. To this day no one knows where they are from and how many more of them are there. Nor has anyone successfully stopped them. With all this in mind they seam like they are harmless and appear friendly and willing to trade.
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