Quwin Ethnicity in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


The Quwin are a sentient species native to the planet Estrojo, distinguished by their magnetically charged physiology and their existence as inseparable twins. They bear a close resemblance to humans, but with several key differences that have evolved to suit their planet’s extreme environment. Instead of ears, Quwin have iron lumps on the sides of their heads that absorb sound, allowing them to hear in a manner adapted to Estrojo's intense magnetic fields and hazardous radiation. Their skin displays a distinctive coloration: each twin has one side of their body in grey, with the other side either blue or red. This coloration signifies their magnetic charge, with blue indicating a negative charge and red indicating a positive charge. Additionally, their hair is a striking mix of red and blue strands, reflecting the duality inherent in their species.   Quwin are always born as twins, with a profound telepathic bond that is essential to their survival. This bond allows them to share thoughts and emotions seamlessly, facilitating perfect coordination and cooperation. The twins cannot survive more than six days apart, underscoring the biological necessity of their connection. Under high-stress conditions, their minds blend together, resulting in a state of light lethargy but achieving perfectly synchronized actions. This adaptation likely evolved to help them navigate the volatile environment of Estrojo, ensuring they can respond to threats with unified precision.  


The social structure of the Quwin is deeply influenced by their twin nature. While most pairs are identical twins, fraternal twins, who are noticeably different from each other, are rare and hold a special status in Quwin society. These pairs often rise to positions of nobility or celebrity, celebrated for their distinctiveness and unique contributions. Quwin culture emphasizes themes of duality and teamwork, which are reflected in their art, literature, and daily practices. The interplay between the positive and negative charges in their society influences their philosophical and spiritual beliefs, fostering a worldview that values balance and harmony.

Ethnicity Traits

Ability Score Increase Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and one other ability score of your choice increases by 1.   Age Quwin mature at the same rate as humans, reaching a lifespan of 80-100 years. Their life force is inherently tied to a twin however. If one passes away early the other will follow shortly   Size Your size is Medium.   Speed Your base walking speed is 30 feet.   Twin You have 2 separate bodies. The bodies use the same character sheet. When determining your hit points you get the maximum possible hit points and they are divided evenly amongst your two bodies. If both bodies participate in the same initiative, they must act on the same initiative count but can act independently with their own action economies. However if one body takes an attack action, or casts a spell using an action, the other body looses 1 action.   Duality Ability score improvements are no longer obtained normally. Instead when you reach a character level of, 4, 8, 12, 16, and 19. You gain the Ability score Improvement feature as it is written in your first class.
  • If you reach level 6, or 14 as a fighter you gain those Ability score improvements as normal
  • If you reach level 10 as a rogue you gain that Ability score improvement as normal
  Two Body Problem If your twin takes damage that would drop them below 0 hit points, you gain resistance to the damage and you take half the damage your twin would have taken. If you or your twin would die the other will die in 1d6 rounds.   Parallel Minds You can communicate with your twin telepathically at will. If a spell or ability affects one of you the other is affected as well.   Polar Aptitude Thanks to your psionic connections with your twin, you gain proficiency with one of the following skills of your choice: Medicine, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Survival, or Technology. If your twin has already taken a skill from this selection you must choose a different one.   Unstable Life form You are resistant to lightning damage. In addition any damage you deal may be treated as lightning damage.   Languages You can speak, read, and write Quwin and one other language of your choice.
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